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Everything posted by Lix

  1. -1 doesn't seem right to replace CO with ARC. It would literally just be ARC but with Alpha in front of it.
  2. -1 sorry i'd prefer if you were in SOBDE currently and knew how we operated
  3. Lix

    Woenys Senior App

    -1 ur a fag +1 you deserve this position more than anyone else
  4. ehhh +1 but the helpers spawned droids on top of people and they had 600 health. in the future please dont do that
  5. -1 im sorry but your too much of a big memer
  6. Lix

    Dro's ban appeal

    +1 memes are memes also dro your a god damn donut
  7. +1 monty back at it again
  8. Did the hard drive come back to kick you in ur ass acorn? In all seriousness o7 f
  9. +1 even though i havent been on for like 9 years at this point. You've been around for about 2 years now. I remember when me and Silent had to chase you around the ship as a youngling on Icefuse. You obviously have proved yourself there and now here. GL
  10. +1 lol, i remember you from ARC training. You failed like 3 times but kept coming back and getting better times. I believe that the dedication and effort you did then will continue now. Good luck
  11. Name: TR RANCOR JT 2LT Lix Steam ID: Date:4/9/18 Reason for leaving: Well fuck, my computer hard drive died and the guy who has been "repairing" it hasn't responded to my emails and texts so I've tried my best to remain staff I guess for this last month but as it's going right now it doesn't seem I'll be returning anytime soon. Farewells: non because i hope to return to the server when I get my computer repaired or buy a new one
  12. +1 id like to see you as my BCMD when I return from my indefinite Loa
  13. Netural While I've literally just heard about what has happened recently in Rancor with the destruction in high command and return of several officers. I would prefer someone within the battalion who understands us and knows us. Not wanting to beat a dead horse, you would be a great officer and I believe you would fit better as a officer position within rancor to help it back on its feet.
  14. son of a bitch i literally cant do a fucking thing because of my computer being out of action. Sorry I couldn't be there to try to help things tofu. You were one hell of a friend and commander. Even still you sounded like Kain with your discipline and call outs. It was a honor. traps are gay
  15. Neutral. I’m not going to bring up activit because I can’t log on but from I’ve seen.. you weren’t even that active when I was gone. But from the fact I’ve been under your leadership and ability. I think you would do good but yeah
  16. +1 but lmao "GOOOOO SYNERGY" this isnt a pep rally or a cheer squad mah dude
  17. o7 did literally every single one of my staff interviews lmao on icefuse and here
  18. +1 i ve seen you apply 3 times. Please be this time when you actually get it
  19. -1 yeahh sorry I have to agree. Great guy and you did well for 501st. But personally I don't believe you are the right person for the job I can't say anything about activity because I literally can't even get on. Also im pretty sure if your on a LOA you cant apply for any position (negative ghost rider I was wrong)
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