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Everything posted by Lix

  1. -1 sorry but the personal interactions ive had with you are you being immature. I don't think your ready for this position quite yet
  2. -1 this man is a elitist and bad at SWRP +1 hes alright i guess
  3. +1 but who r u, ur like inactive and like bad at everythng good luck lmao
  4. Are you fucking me. You want staff to unban you because you want to SERIOUS RP even though your "legit" playing was MASS rdming. Your sounding really dumb right now. So potentially you might be unbanned so you can legit RP which is you and your friends RDMing. Or you don't get unbanned and you keep minging. Good options...
  5. +1 thinking of different tom my bad. I think your a good fit for staff. @Tom
  6. +1 learned english from runescape
  7. oh boy I can find a generic ginger and call it me bc we’re so rare
  8. im a god Apparently this has been around since rhino sparring
  9. Lix

    Ban Appeal

    -1 7 days is a luxury
  10. +1 I’ve only interacted with you like 5 times but you seem mature enough to be staff. Also the experience. Good luck
  11. +1 I don’t know who else deserve this position
  12. -1 have to agree with pytin
  13. Lix

    Staff App

    netural, you seem to have the expericnce but right now lacking in the maturity that is required
  14. -1 this dude is bad at sparring +1 lmao literally even joah supports him
  15. Lix

    Lix's Reapp v.3

    RP Name: TR Covert Ops CPL/ TR 91st Jedi Padawan Lix Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:119189279 Age:15 Timezone:CDT Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum) I want to be an administrator again because I love this server and want help it out any way I can. I will stop players from doing anything mingey or disruptive. I will help CTs and others alike who need it. Answer simple questions that other staff members might find annoying. I will keep my cool in bad situations and not lash out at others. I'm not bias, but I can be leniant. If somebody does something wrong I will punish them accordingly. I'd like to be able to help in events and help higher ups when they need it. Do simple things as set health or things along the line. If I become staff again I won't let anyone down. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) Im 15, I play sports through the entire week and weekends. My schedule is going to be a lot more full in the next months. I will have a job and still have baseball. I can drive, which most 15 year olds can't do apperently. I've been told Im a natural leader and I hope to show it here Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes Icefuse T-MOD/MOD/SMOD Synergy Roleplay NA/A/SA How much playtime do you have on the synergy server: 765:04:41
  16. +1 seems like a good fit
  17. One null squad is enough, adding another battalion like null is pointless
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