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Everything posted by Lix

  1. Lix

    Removal of Jedi

    +1 jedi are about to get executed by hanging... slowly but surely i will take over as the best clone ever
  2. *joins CO* *leaves for RC a hour later* *joins RC* sorry i gotta blacklist ya for battalion hoppin. lmao
  3. Lix

    Blue Squadron

    -1 lore is meh but the restrictions on flying already hold back current pilots so adding more that take up job slots and potentially do nothing is iffy
  4. Lix

    Staff Apllication

    +1 your alright
  5. @Spooky you only want girls to die bc you cant get any.... REEEE gOtEM
  6. again why do you leave neutrals it doesnt help unless you have this to say
  7. i want to say +1 but there was one main issue in my eyes... please who ever spawned the droids fucked literally everyone up at the FOB. There were 3 people there who got then got killed because there were over 50 B2's there. I understand that the people were coming back but you don't spawn droids behind a FOB that was secured about 2 seconds before....
  8. Neutral, rider you have done fantastic as Blitz. You've revived a basically dead battalion after the bans of the previous CMD's and removal of the BCMD. You've redone the ARC program yet again and made it better. The standards you have set are great. Yet, i still feel that rancor needs you for a little bit longer... this is just my opinion
  9. its a joke way back in febuary she failed Tofu's arc selections like 4 times but she is good now
  10. -1 you were arrested for RDM and mingng during the event today so you dont seem mature enogh for this position
  11. +1 but ur bad are arc selectioning
  12. +1 i think you'll do good work but take Medics critisim and work on it and you will be a great squad lead.
  13. -1 sorry but ur bad a jediing +1 literally I dont know who else deserves this position within 501st. #favoritism
  14. +1 all they way back in 501st dude its been a long ways. Good luck on your position my dude
  15. -1 I have not seen you as naval recently, or literally at all and skeeti has came a long way since 501st and I believe that overall he deserves the position more.
  16. +1 max was literally AFK until someone went in his bunks also i literally had no as to what in the fuck was going on and it was amazing...
  17. conrad summed it up, while i cant take it face value. . Outside of that conrad naild it. Also you were blacklisted from all of SOBDE permanantly for being a "minge"
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