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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2024 in all areas

  1. Just have props built into the map, walking around a massive map with empty buildings kills any rp as no staff wants to sit and build dupes constantly for each build. You can’t perma prop because there’s a limit (Side note tell how the hell each battalion on Endor had fully decked out bunks on a roster for a server box but we can have one per bunks now) bring back Bounty Hunter Tiers- Freelance works with Hutts, Hostile with CIs, Friendly with Republic. This way people can openly attack or have Shock try to detain the most wanted
    2 points
  2. This was what people said bounty hunter would be like originally. It was a cool idea IMO.
    1 point
  3. I have 0 information about map creation, but if the buildings in the village were enterable, even big open rooms, I think it couldve created some opportunities to assign them titles or purpose. Opening up one of the larger buildings to be a Bank or Store or SOMETHING for rp would've been interesting. The ability to get up to higher spots in the village without a jetpack would have also been nice. For non jumpers, you have 3 buildings to work with. One of them was the spawn building, one was used for hostage taking or RP, the other was the bar that you could shoot through. The biggest L of village was that you could shoot through that wall(or maybe not, maybe clones would be able to shred through a building with a Z6)
    1 point
  4. Replace Jedi with Sith (besides lore characters)
    1 point
  5. -1 I don't know if maybe I misinterpreted the situation, but I feel hesitant when it comes to you becoming BCMD because of how the removal of Marshh for inactivity was handled. From what I understood of the situation while it was happening, Marshh was on LOA and, before getting off LOA, was on the server but not on his job. You, a member not in his squad nor the BCMD at the time, were upset with him for this and suggested to his squad leader Gurk that he should be removed, even though said squad leader didn't have a problem with it. Then, when Marshh hopped into a channel with you and Gurk to speak about it, you didn't really say anything to him despite being the one with the primary issue. To me, that just kind of feels wrong and shitty. You had an issue with the actions of somebody else's squad, spoke negatively about them to their squad leader and encouraged a removal, then didn't really come with that same energy when the person whom you spoke against was in a channel with you. Again, correct me if I have any details wrong or clouded, but if the situation I stated is fairly accurate I just don't really feel as though you are right for the position. It seems like you are more bark than bite, and I don't think you can make the big decisions or tough choices that SOBDE needs to make to ensure it pushes on smoothly. Personally speaking, I feel SOBDE is in a good, yet volatile, state. I think what SOBDE needs right now is somebody who can hold them together and keep them in-line so that they can grow and prosper, and I kind of think you wouldn't really be able to do that. Let me know if there's anything that I got wrong - I am fully comfortable accepting that my information may be incorrect or skewed. I want what's accurate, so I can vote for what I believe is best. I would love to talk to you more about anything as well, and you can always reach me on Discord via the SOBDE discord. Good luck!
    -1 points
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