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  1. Yo, let us just all be friends and -1 or +1 this. Or we solve this in TS or discord. But honestly. I told you guys about the BB wipe situation. Yes, I was in a stressful situation, because I got SQL and had an inactive squad. Yes, I went down and told Marshh about the situation looking bad from SOBDE POV. And yes, gaming wise I do not have a problem or care who people play with, since it is a game, we need to have fun. That sadly doesn't put me away from my responsibility as a SQL, making sure the squad is active. Wipe stuff was set in talk before me as SQL, and at the end I agreed. There are some things that happened behind the scene within the squad leads. But honestly guys. Lilj isnt the bad guy here. Maybe I am used to normal battalions, but from my POV, all LilJ did was helping a new SQL, when I asked about advice for the BB inactivity like a CMD+ should. I swear on skibidi I wasnt pressured. There could be a misunderstanding. Like @RayRaysaid, english is my 5th language.
    4 points
  2. of course I'm not trying to start anything with anyone I'm just stating my part of the story so people can get a better understanding
    2 points
  3. Regarding that, what stemmed the laziness was the fact people were too lazy to host actual trainings. They (Me included ngl) wanted to win via hosting only Specialization trainings (EOD, Tech etc...). This should no longer be the case.
    2 points
  4. Uhh... Gurk was one of the first ones even before getting Squad Lead to push for wiping Bad Batch and Omega. I don't think he was pressured. I even confirmed it with him, But im sure we can resume this in the discord all of us are in known as the SOBDE Discord. Or again, go to Rohan, bring your concerns and do an official report if you think the SOBDE is also at fault. Going at this with one sided info is kinda going to keep this going no where not to mention, its clear you didn't read Gurk's post or he is bad at english.
    2 points
  5. As a fairly new member to Bad Batch within our unit communication Gurk used multiple announcements to communicate that as the new sql he was going to be cracking down on activity because of the image Bad Batch had within the server and SOBDE as a whole. And if you weren't able to meet the requirements you would be eligible for removal. Regardless of what was said between LilJ and Gurk the ultimate decision was made by the SQL for the betterment of the squad after multiple announcements. Personally, the points which warranted a removal sound pretty valid to me. I can bet that every battalion's sub squads all strive to be at their best. But due to all this yapping I'm struggling to understand who the situation has affected the most. All leads communicate with each other and that's how battalions manage to run and remain successful. Just because LilJ and Gurk had a 1 on 1 conversation within their respective TeamSpeak channel does not mean there was any ill intent or bias or any form of added pressure. The ultimate decision was determined by the SQL. If that's hard to take in I can understand that and sometimes denial can be a little unsettling. You have made your point and I think this topic needs to come to a conclusion, in the end it will be handled by the respected positions who hold power over applications and voting.
    1 point
  6. If Clutch offered people 100 dollars (what I saw in the discord) it seemed very little interest. If your battalion supports you then so do +1. But I recommend a movie night or game night were it would just help build Sao BDE into a friend group. +1
    1 point
  7. Idk if you are properly understanding what I am writing. Let me summarize the point I am making based on what I was told: - Marshh was on with me and Marvel - Gurk came in the channel and said that you and some other SOBDE were saying Marshh was inactive and should be removed because he wasn't playing as Wrecker and trying to get Gurk to do something - Then you, Gurk, and Marshh went into a channel to talk about it and you basically stayed quiet the whole time and didn't speak to Marshh at all about what you were saying when he wasn't there So I am -1ing you because it's corny to say all of that stuff about him needing to be removed or that he's inactive and such but then when you're in a channel with him you wouldn't say it The issue isn't with Marshh being removed - I am sure that is justified and reasonable and what Gurk said in his reply makes sense to me Rather, the issue is that you were encouraging and trying to tell Gurk to do it in the teamspeak channel, then when you had a 1-1 with him you didn't say anything to him. Yes, he isn't in your squad, but if you were the one with the issue and in the channel alongside the squad lead shouldn't you have said your concerns too? I only know of Marshh as the situation that I am talking about directly references him and the circumstances of his removal. I have no idea who else got removed, or why, nor do I care (sorry Omega ppl wiped). The wipe isn't the problem, rather how LilJ spoke against Marshh and encouraged his removal then, when confronted, was quiet and didn't say anything to Marshh. I don't feel like that's the type of person who should be leading SOBDE Marshh wrote about the situation in his post, and how LilJ handled that ordeal is why I am hesitant to see him become BCMD
    1 point
  8. +1, This guy knows what it is.
    1 point
  9. Very active and is very chill with SOBDE +1
    1 point
  10. Name: Rex SteamID: STEAM_0:1:649268514 Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): We deployed to Onderon to check on the ole baby and make sure shes safe. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
    1 point
  11. -1 I don't know if maybe I misinterpreted the situation, but I feel hesitant when it comes to you becoming BCMD because of how the removal of Marshh for inactivity was handled. From what I understood of the situation while it was happening, Marshh was on LOA and, before getting off LOA, was on the server but not on his job. You, a member not in his squad nor the BCMD at the time, were upset with him for this and suggested to his squad leader Gurk that he should be removed, even though said squad leader didn't have a problem with it. Then, when Marshh hopped into a channel with you and Gurk to speak about it, you didn't really say anything to him despite being the one with the primary issue. To me, that just kind of feels wrong and shitty. You had an issue with the actions of somebody else's squad, spoke negatively about them to their squad leader and encouraged a removal, then didn't really come with that same energy when the person whom you spoke against was in a channel with you. Again, correct me if I have any details wrong or clouded, but if the situation I stated is fairly accurate I just don't really feel as though you are right for the position. It seems like you are more bark than bite, and I don't think you can make the big decisions or tough choices that SOBDE needs to make to ensure it pushes on smoothly. Personally speaking, I feel SOBDE is in a good, yet volatile, state. I think what SOBDE needs right now is somebody who can hold them together and keep them in-line so that they can grow and prosper, and I kind of think you wouldn't really be able to do that. Let me know if there's anything that I got wrong - I am fully comfortable accepting that my information may be incorrect or skewed. I want what's accurate, so I can vote for what I believe is best. I would love to talk to you more about anything as well, and you can always reach me on Discord via the SOBDE discord. Good luck!
    1 point
  12. Name: Vortexuss Staff Rank: Senior Admin Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 5/6/2024 Reason for leaving: Life 1 - Vortexuss 0 Farewells: 07
    1 point
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