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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2024 in all areas

  1. acting like you dont have an inherent damage reduction is crazy Katarn class armor was also made to benefit Commando's who didn't do front line engagements like ARCs. +1 for serverwide ARC i think he is asking for all ARC considering he's Draa in 41st
    2 points
  2. My own preferance on the weapons, they are graded on how much I like them & the price on it, so even when some weapons are a S Tier they are to expensive to be put on said grade.
    1 point
  3. Based but -1 from me just get your bread up
    1 point
  4. -1 Im not a fan of moving in the direction of players getting more health or armor of any kind. Personally, I think the health and armor you can have at the current moment is way more than enough to tank through almost anything and just adding more takes away from the RP aspect of being afraid to die and play smarter.
    1 point
  5. -1 Make Beskar lore accurate and give all mandos 1k hp
    0 points
  6. -1 points
  7. It would make more sense like how the chain gun with ARC in rancor for balance, all regular arcs outside rancor get it but the only arcs in rancor who have it are 17, Havoc, Colt, Blitz (Main Lore Characters)
    -1 points
  8. Durring the clone wars beskar was extremely rare and actual pure beskar armor sets were impossible to come by, most armors were composites with some beskar in them
    -1 points
  9. Name: Monty RP Rank: SFC Suggestion: Give new players one free grey tier perma weapon. One thing I constantly see is new players feeling frustrated that they can't get kills or frustration with the DC-15a/s in general. Allowing players to get one free grey tier perma weapon would be an easy fix for this as they can either A: take the perma weapon to have a combat advantage or B: refund the perma weapon and use the money to boost their stats, either way they will be able to better keep up with long term players. Players have better weapons/stats = higher player retention. for players who already have grey tier permas maybe have a week or 2 period before the free perma is impilmented where players can refund their grey tier weapons for full price. Implementation: Make all grey tier perma weapons free one time only, have a period where players who already have grey permas can refund them for full price
    -1 points
  10. i wanted to support this so bad and then i thought abt Alpha ARC's with an extra 50 armor along with a jetpack and westars -1 unless this would apply to non rancor jobs
    -2 points
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