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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/2024 in all areas

  1. Dude i usually have something to ask or add to apps and it kind of annoys me that I don't here. Rohan has consistently shown an abundance of professionalism, positive work ethic, and dedication to anything he sinks his teeth in. I have no doubt that he is the best choice for SPEC Reg, and no one else compares. If he's accepted, I can not wait to see what he does with the regiment and the server as a whole. It's extremely refreshing to see someone go for a position of High Command that already has experience in the group due to his position as a HA. Good luck King. +1 obv
    2 points
  2. Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:65792502 (Ansley) Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Joint Training Encounter. Pirates took over the outpost and started causing ruckus! 212th and Rancor went too Secure the outpost and fine any information on the pirates. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
    2 points
  3. Steam Name SpongeBob SquarePants | Syns.gg RP Name Null-12 SGT A'den RP Rank SGT Steam ID STEAM_0:1:155676106 Regiment you are applying for Specialised Why should you become a Regimental Commander? I believe I have proven myself to be a capable leader. Not just in battalions, but also from staff experience. In the past year rising upto BCMD, HA, and other various leadership positions I have been able to proof I can handle myself in higher positions. With that my dedication and work ethic have been through the roof in my own humble opinion. Doing things as reworks of a battalion's structure, to reforming a lot of staff systems. Furthermore I believe I am very approachable when it comes to handling issues or asking any question at all. I am open to speak with anyone at anytime if need be. This is a good quality I see myself having due to being partially someone to guide the battalions and it's members. And lastly, I believe I am able to lead by example. There is the occasional messing around because we play a video game, but the more serious times I tend to be able to handle myself with whatever situation it is. I believe I am adaptable to situations, regardless if they are positive or negatives ones and able to keep myself cool and collective if faced with some sort of confrontation. With that, I will be working closely with the BCMDs to ensure there is a good line of communication and/or way of guiding them. Availability Everyday, usually till 6 pm est if working the next day, otherwise till whenever I want Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server DU CMD REGL Gambit HA, GMM, TRO, Server ITM 327th JTO CPT Obama DU XO Locke TCC XO Kano SGM Trauma Null-12 SGT A’den Guild Leader 501st BCMD Rex Null-7 Mereel Navy RSBS LT Alexsandr Kallus (Current) Null-12 SGT A’den (Again, Current) Head Admin | GMM | TRD (Current) Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term? Rancor Rancor at the moment is already in quite a stable position. With recently acquiring a new BCMD, I have spoken to some members of the battalion and gathered what they wanted from me and what I can offer them. Being a more hands-off, help when needed person utilising myself as someone who has to step in when needed only. With Rancor the goal is to secure succession. With Bana just becoming BCMD there will be 3 months to make sure the battalion is in a steady spot at the end of his term and ensure there is either a next person to take over the job or have a stable battalion with the best versions of their systems in plance under the same BCMD. Another few notes is working out Alpha designations with Rancor, full TU implementation, and the suggestion accepted ARF regiment jobs. SOBDE Just like Rancor, SOBDE has recently acquired a new BCMD. They are in quite a stable spot with the odd member not hitting their hours or quota. With their new systems, such as the sign-in and quota it promotes to do a lot more than just walking around and/or playing in events. The role of SOBDE is quite important to me as they hold the power to do a lot more than other battalions due their extensive and unique lore. Utilising this lore and RP to create bigger RP moments or even leading to events/deployment would be something I want to work to so people can enjoy the more unique RP on a star wars roleplay server. Additionally I would like to assist where I can with the new addition of the Cuy'val Dar itself to ensure a smooth implementation. Furthermore I'd like to see SOBDE interact with more people outside the battalion and especially the ones that the battalion has had negative experiences with to mend that and move further along. In the end I want the battalion to be at a strong point where there is no conflict between anyone, especially within the higher ranks/positions. Coruscant Guard The Coruscant Guard, where it stands now, there is no BCMD. My main focus on CG would be establishing a good command structure within CG and ensuring they can be somewhat self sufficient with running the batallion without a BCMD till the right person gets into the place. With CG I do see a lot more issues than the other battalions mainly pertaining to arrests, relations, and some inter-battalion conflict. At the end of the term I would absolutely love to see CG become a more liked battalion as in the end they try to do their job. A big role I want to play in this is bringing staff and CG somewhat together in a solidified state where all documents regardling punishment guidelines are merged and as one singular doc so everyone has the same information. For arrests, there has recently been a commander vote that in my opinion aided a bit in the arresting of individuals by increasing the rank needed for AOS resulting in a more RAOS type thing with most arrests so CG can do their job, possibly alongside staff, with investigating. As for the inter-batallion issue, that can be resolved rather swiftly by talking to the individuals involved and looking for a solution all parties will be satisfied with. Lastly, assisting with wanted changes with DS and helping find a new purpose as it's a concern the CG had when I had spoken to them. TLDR Overall I want my regiment to be able to reach the goal of having a line of succession, working systems, good relations, and a positive view from the community. How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment? I can not stress enough how much I can do with this. Due to the staff abilities I have, the experience with events/training building, hosting, and planning, I plan on utilising this as much as possible. As Regimental I will not be tied with a quota, but have a goal of setting up regimental bonding times so to say. This can be anything from all 3 battalions, to just Alpha and Null, Omega and DS, TU and CG, Rancor and Delta etc. This may seem like a basic thing to do, but encouraging the battalions to do this will help them get to know each other more and more. Furthermore, with said staff abilities I have the ability to host deployments as a GMM. Within these deployment, and this is not just for my own regiment, I would like to encourage through objective-based gameplay, to send the regiment out together and have them communicate with each other and the other regiments. Lastly, I want to host small meetings with the CMD+ of each battalion, or Squad Leads in SOBDE's case, and discuss any and all wishes, unpleasantries, negative interactions, or even fix relation within those meetings to get a clear line of sight with what we're working with. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes, I do Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank? Yes, I do
    1 point
  4. Huge +1 this guy has a drive like nothing else he can bring some new flavor to the Regiment that I belive that others couldn't
    1 point
  5. After speaking with Rohan privately about SOBDE before he even went for a waive I liked his plans for the battalion and I think he would be a great RCMD (If he doesn't get hurt) +1
    1 point
  6. +1 RP and overall work is massive I wanna see what he can do is staff!
    1 point
  7. +1 from me seems like a genuine guy and wants to help
    1 point
  8. Of course! :) -Another quest can be about going to the Outpost to rescue clones who are hostages/POW's. -Jedi go to the temple to meditate and receive a message from the Force to travel to the massive tree on the North side of the map and find out it's being plagued/infected from dark magic and needs you to meditate for like 2 minutes to cure it. However, Nightsisters appear due to sensing the Jedi's meditation purging the sickness from the tree. And they then attack the Jedi and of course the Jedi would stop them. -For Bounty Hunters, they would go on a quest to eliminate bounties. This time they would be challenged to shoot/exterminate bounties from a far distance such as being on the high ground or behind a tree/rock/object that hides them from their enemy. This quest is served to be a challenge/training for Bounty Hunters. In all, I hope this answers your question. If you would like more examples, no problem! :)
    1 point
  9. 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5 Good, I hurt kurt
    1 point
  10. 💀 Class weapons is crazzzzy just make it A/S
    1 point
  11. Class weapons only? So SOBDE wins basically?
    1 point
  12. My predicted rankings: SOBDE Rancor 212th
    0 points
  13. This is the easiest dub of my life
    -1 points
  14. I noticed you said something about it in OOC. No boarding tickets were made so we were unaware of what was done with boarding. Apologies.
    -1 points
  15. 2-3-5 Ignoring tickets from 3 separate people and no communication when responding to said ticket. I saw you said that you didn't see it but we collectively sent about 12 messages in staff chat and you just said you saw it in ooc. If you want to send a message please tell us with words, different GMs work differently we're not mind readers. Munis were made invincible they just spawned droids when we attempted to destroy it AFTER boarding, we didn't have mechanized units and they did, multiple troopers were crushed by pods while setting RBCs, etc. Long story short, felt like I was playing legos with my younger sibling. On top of all of this, the server tick was great meaning we absolutely could've had vehicles.
    -1 points
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