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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2023 in all areas

  1. I have been apart of synergy since about late 2017 to early 2018. I joined after leaving my previous server behind and wanting to join into a larger community than the previous one I was a part of. First day on the server I decided to join into 21st and met a lot of good people that I am still friends with to this day. I have given Synergy hours upon hours of my time and I have gotten nothing in return. It has turned into a one sided relationship and I can't do that anymore. I need better and healthier uses for my time so this is it for me. I want to be honest with you all and say that this letter has been one of the most bittersweet things I've ever had to write. It's not easy to say goodbye to a community that has been such an important part of my life. Over the years, I've made so many great memories and friendships with all of you, and it's hard to imagine not being a part of this community anymore. But the truth is, I've been feeling stuck for a while now. I've been trying to find ways to contribute and make a difference, but I've been spinning my wheels and not making any real progress. I've wasted too much time trying to figure out what my role should be, and I've come to the realization that maybe it's time for me to step back and let others take the reins. I want to thank each and every one of you for making this community such a special place. I'll miss all of you, and I hope that our paths will cross again in the future. To all of the hold outs still in synergy: @KaiserWilhelm @Gadget - I apologize that I couldn't continue on with you two. Wilhelm you have fantastic potential to be the force that 21st needs to continue on. Gadget I've known you for a very long time at this point and we didn't get along at points but I feel that your insight and opinions about 21st are just what it needs. I hope our paths cross again for the both of you. @BadDog - I am sorry to leave so soon after our chat. Thank you for all the insight and constant drive to wanting to make 21st a better place for all troopers. Continue being one of the greats. @Brooklyn - You and I got to know each other while being in SOBDE and I have enjoyed every interaction since. If I needed to choose who to be in a trench with and knew had my back it'd be you boss. Keep in contact and lemme know when to get on 76! @Tomm - I wish we had more time in 21st. Keep being a great Wrecker. @ETsilvian - Gotta get that chair under control. You've been a great Yoda and I really appreciate all of the times we talked. @Quassont - Lots of late nights full of stupid shit that made me almost fall out of my chair. Thank you for all the good times. Keep in touch. @KaiserNeiner- Thank you for all of the fantastic events. Keep the life flowing through Synergy. @Marvel - Was great getting to know you over our time in SOBDE. Don't drive yourself crazy. @Xaze - Time and time again your drive and creativity have pushed this community back into a state of greatness. Thank you for all of your efforts. Make sure to take breaks!
    3 points
  2. -1 If your issue is cloaking then I’d rather something be made to where people that can see cloaks can just actually see them rather than bringing this back which has led to a ton of meta gaming in the past not only with people that can’t see cloaks realizing that someone is cloaked near them and somehow using it to their advantage but with things like seeing who can hear you on the other side of walls, what someone’s name is without being able to see them and also using that to your advantage ie. Looking for an HVT during an event and searching the area but just using your mic radius to zone into their location. I was not fond of this when it was around. Coming from someone that has been in positions that could see cloaked people for most of my time on Synergy and also being a staff member for most of my time as well I would much rather take a bullet in my RP position then have to deal with all the meta gaming incidents that would occur if this would return. Not worth it. Also to give a semi solution to the whole cloaking debate - The current suit zoom we have had an option that would highlight players and NPCs and would actually highlight people while cloaked. This has since been turned off for everyone but if there was a way to give it to RC and SO so they could properly utilize it I would be down for it.
    1 point
  3. +1 I agree that CG's Diplomatic Services needs reimplementation of the body groupers from before which were all used quite frequently for it's time.
    1 point
  4. 2/2/3 There was effort put into this that was obvious. But the constant no reason escapes the bounty hunter did and also pulling things out of no were was kinda annoying. Also the running around with no direction felt like we were running around like a chicken with our head cut off. This by all means wasnt a bad event but could have been better planned and have more direction.
    1 point
  5. 1/1/1 Gameplay: Please remember to limit the HP of NPCs to be closer to what is more acceptable for the player-base. Next your event jobs enacted failrp at least twice, first was Cad Bane (who was stripped and bound) using a rocket launcher to blow up the 14 people escorting him. You also had another "break his binds" then cloak to get away. even if he hadn't been stripped and bound, he cloaked in front of several units who can see cloaked unit. Care and Effort: This event did not come off as well planned, my suggestion in the future is to at least create a base outline for you, your GHs, and your EJs to follow and coordinate off. Server performance: As bad as it is that several people choose to just go and watch TV mid event. spawning constant NPCs to attack them is NOT the appropriate response. conclusion: I suggest you shadow/Gamehelp some other gamemasters to learn from their experience. Take a step back from deployments for the time being, its best to take GMing slow and build your way up.
    1 point
  6. Imma be honest here chief, as much as i fuck with you personally there are reasons that are holding me back from supporting this application. First of all, you are heavily relying on yourself and Buzz in stead of the whole Regiment, if one of you resign the whole branch would be fucked from what I understand from your app. A lot of people have been complaining about the current merit system to the point it made them resign from navy yet I don't see any fixes for that mentioned in your app? A big reason why Navy is on the server is boosting RP, yet i Didn't see you mention it in your app, also I rarely see you play your character and I have seen one action from you to boost RP where you acted like a traitor and bombed the base. For the time being unfortunately I have to -1 this app, Good luck with the interview!
    1 point
  7. How will this affect Lebrons legacy?
    1 point
  8. Bro pinged the entire 104th discord to tell me about how my ring doorbell will affect the server.
    1 point
  9. I don't know if Veteran Admin should be on this list but I like it other than that
    1 point
  10. This just in, mazen finds out the government breaks the law.
    0 points
  11. +1 as the best Colt do him justice, all of the commanders had their shit clean af
    -1 points
  12. Quicker the arrest time, the quicker they get banned. -1
    -1 points
  13. -1 This app presents a lot of problems without prescribing any real solutions. You are purposefully avoiding making any promises on this app by saying that you will "try your best". If you aren't confident that you can do anything you have planned than how can the rest of the community rely on you? Not only that, but the app is incredibly vague in many aspects. For instance, the RSB section you once again avoid the responsibility of failure by saying you cant make any promises with the only hint to what you have planned being the sentence "currently we have people working on idealizing this branch." and this sentence does not actually say anything and uses vague buzz words to seem productive.
    -1 points
  14. 1/1/2 i dont even have words for this honestly
    -1 points
  15. So theres this thing called the "Restrict Act" going around the government right now Its basically the Patriot Act for the internet and would allow the government to get access to all kinds of data from things like your search history, game consoles, YOUR FUCKING RING AND IN HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS, and much more with a punishment of UP TO 1 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS AND 20 YEARS IN PRISON FOR USING A VPN TO GET AROUND IT 202-224-3121 That is the number to get in contact with your local representative. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Take the 10 minutes out of your day to call them and tell them to not pass the Restrict Act.
    -1 points
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