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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2017 in all areas

  1. -1 Its Just a game P L A Y T H E G A M E I'm tired of this Drama on the server we play on a GMOD STARWARS SERVER we just want to play the game if other players are giving you a hard time Go onto ANOTHER Server I need everyone to think I'm a 20 somewhat year old playing a video game well its not bad but if your going after little kids and stuff S T O P and If I see someone trying to go after one another ima die
    5 points
  2. Please Give actual Reasons instead of ones that have already been debunked.
    3 points
  3. DU will stay alive +1 ~Old Admiral Yularen and current Palpy
    2 points
  4. So here are the arguments that i interpret from the original post: Inactive Only active on Jedi Unnecesarily interfering with CG politics (making it worse i assume) Taking action contrary to his word, messing up the politics Uncaring of roster organization Removing the leaders of "IT" with no apparent reason Then giving it to himself and weeaboo (who was in CG for less than 3 days) Reinstating people who were decided to not be resinstated (weeaboo, dargon) Even when there are NCOs who should be officers Avoiding all of his responsibilities/obligations Not fixing problems within CG Not leading events Not filling named character slots Not giving disciplinary punishment Not guiding CG (In political terms) Lacking self-discipline Kicking out members without investigation Kicked out Stahl because of a report on halpert Now here are the things that were debunked: Reinstating weeaboo to whatever rank he was reinstated to (idk) He was resintated to help fix docs and discord Kicked out Stahl beacuse of a report on halpert Not filling named character slots Inacitivity but the "only ever on jedi" still stands, beacuse he could rather be on fox, helping out CG I tried including as much of the evidence that i found in the original post, but those are all of the accusations. It seems that most people decided to focus on Acitivty and kicking out stahl, and forgot about the whole rest of the accusations, most likely because of the mass amounts of reading, and it may be too may things to consider all at once. Although he has not broken any commander rules, the things that he has done (that havent been disproven) are extremely sub-par for a battallion commander, and if all of the accusations (that are disproven) are true, despite him not breaking any specific rules, a new BCMD should most certainly be instated. And to the people who believe that this report may be a "powerplay", i disagree, because (i think) the definition of powerplay (im not sure because its a loose term) is to remove someone from thier position based on a majority opinion, rather than through lawful justification. I dont believe that this report has so many opinions simply so that it could be more effective in removing the accused player. In fact, the number of people who support the report shouldn't affect the outcome, what should effect the outcome is the behavior of the suspect. I believe that there are only so many opinions from people within CG so that the accusations without much evidence would be more believable (kind of like witnesses). Until more of the accusations are disproved, i am going to have to say +1
    2 points
  5. -1 https://gyazo.com/d50b9196a744ca03de9c83e381ea798f Last time I checked....you can't demote someone that was on LOA, yes waiting is a way to put it up but it has been 1 FUCKING DAY?? You fucking kidding me? Let him come back the 24th-31st, the 31st was fucking YESTERDAY. Y'all need to be patient holy fuck.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Please keep this report to the facts and reality of the situation. Because the Commander in question has not violated one of the following rules: Inactivity. Battalion disrespect. Promotion of racism, ageism, or any other biases. Inability to maintain numbers within his/her battalion. Consistent minging/fail roleplay or promotion of minging/fail roleplay (with video evidence). Consistently violating server rules. Chronic insubordination or blatant disregard towards superiors (with video evidence). He will not be removed by a Director. This decision will be left to those responsible for the Coruscant Guard (Chancellor Palpatine) with our consultation.
    2 points
  8. Hey, don't go roasting other people's work and try to be civil about this.
    2 points
  9. Oxen, I remember my short time in KU with you as my commander and how dedicated you were to rebuilding the unit and making sure the right people were in it. You are beyond dedicated to GM and seem like the only man for this position. +1 I can't wait to see you as Bacteria *cough* I mean Bacara. Best of luck to you.
    2 points
  10. Dont be thirsty. Also dont white knight. Its hypocrital. If you really wanna white knight. Assume a woman can defend herself. Also. Dont. Be. Thirsty. @Medic except in this case. Bring me a bottle of that sunny D.
    2 points
  11. 1 point
  12. +1 Knew camilio since I was the DU Jedi Newt he knows his shit.
    1 point
  13. I understand that but how is an LOA an LOA when he is on the server and Teamspeak
    1 point
  14. I don't see how that's relevant? Also, don't see how he lied for a whitelist? He was a Heavy never asked for a whitelist. Also if it was an "ALL FLY EVENT" That means everyone can fly. Furthermore, you should have paid attention in chat for the "ALL FLY EVENT". I feel as if you read the chat the conflict would've been avoided. No hate just don't like people being targeted for stupid shit. -TayTay
    1 point
  15. This has nothing to do with the commander report.
    1 point
  16. Ok so here is what I will say. I'm not giving my opinion on the report I'm going to give my opinion on the comments people are saying to each other. Like, grow up, please. You ALL are turning this commander report to a fucking 12th-century arena battle. There is no need for low blows or to make the shit personal. Keep it civil, please. -TayTay
    1 point
  17. Bruh 5th Fleet all the way! <3 -Senior CMD Joe /Ex-5th Fleet BCMD
    1 point
  18. Keep this civil, this is not the rant section or flaming section, this is for commander reports, not attacking each other and ad homonym.
    1 point
  19. Based on what Weaboo, If I am not mistaken, you was the one who left CG in such a state nothing on the Documents where updated during your tenure. Funny that, considering I do not remember you having anything to do with CG when you packed your bags and left. Do not bring me into your petty argument. Clearly I might I remind you, you stated quite clearly when you left you wanted nothing to do with CG, Keegan can attest with that as can many CG members. Also do not slag me off, behind my back, say to my face, becasue all I see is someone who rather talks about playing a good game, rather than doing so. I am guessing many players on this server have said the opposite of what you have said about me. Again, I am telling you now, stop bringing me up, because now you are actually causing me offence, Fucking stop now.
    1 point
  20. Even though I'm not part of CG, Stahl was a good commander and didn't deserve to be removed.
    1 point
  21. Kind of seems like a powerplay. He hasn't really broken any Commander rules or anything. I do not see a reason for his demotion.
    1 point
  22. -1 His activity might be down because his loa JUST ENDED YESTERDAY Good meme
    1 point
  23. Powerplays, begone! -1, the information provided by other users was sufficient to my investigation.
    1 point
  24. https://gyazo.com/d50b9196a744ca03de9c83e381ea798f Fat ass -1
    1 point
  25. theres some lowkey spicy bullying going on here
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Big ol' -1, you DO NOT play the server AT ALL. I have seen you maybe... 0 times in my entire time on the server. You do not seem to be fit for it due to your activity. Sorry bud.
    1 point
  28. -1 I love fizzik but this is where I draw the line. So a few points, he does not play the server so none of the troops he would be leading would know who the hell he is, I mean he doesn't even seem to like playing and suddenly coming back as bcmd is ridiculous, second is the fact that as the last Colt and someone who has actually worked with and kept track of the battalion I can say for a fact that fizzik has not actually kept track, I would find it likely he hardly even knows what's been happening only that he has complained that he is not in certain chats, and that vex was bcmd which he didn't like which is where this "downward spiral" crap is coming from. Finally I will say that Rancor had started to evolve with the work of hardworking active members like Dark, Snow who is Havoc, and Myself and to see that all go down the drain in favour of someone who does not play and has made clear he wants rancor to stay the exact same would sadden me deeply. In all I love ya fiz but I don't think it will work this time around. Edit: TLDR if you played I would feel much better about you coming in but right now I just can't in good conscience support you bring bcmd over members of the battalion who play
    1 point
  29. When you get a 20% on the midterm and thus lower the curve for everyone else, but still fail yourself. "Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself."
    1 point
  30. +1 Very active and puts a lot of work into GM, he is one of the best Keller's we have had and deserves this position.
    1 point
  31. @Illium You also forgot @Zomb
    1 point
  32. +1 Deserves the highest rank possible. great leader and role model.
    1 point
  33. Updated Added- Death of Boltbith Added- Boltquar lore
    1 point
  34. +1 TayTay is a trustworthy and creative guy, he'd be a great addition to the game masters
    1 point
  35. +1, TayTay (used to be Taylor) has a very good head on his shoulders, responsible and very capable of leading people out of a wet bag. :). We need more Game Masters and before I put my hat in the ring, I think Tay will do a great job with more than just the shoot'em-up scenarios. - Commander Keller / Oxen
    1 point
  36. >Sees thread >Clicks thread >Another ccmonty post >why
    1 point
  37. 95% of your posts are mistakes.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
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