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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Name: Lazer Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:174756803 Final day of work (Must be three days later): 8/21/17 Reason for leaving: Well boys the time has come, I have been playing star wars for over a year now and to be frank it's just gotten bland and it feels like it takes away from my IRL life. I have made so many good memories that I will never forget along with a whole community worth of friends. I have met so many great people that have mentored me and took me under their wing @Zander @Tomas . I am sorry if I have disappointed anyone and didn't surpass your expectations. I just want to try new things in life and not spend all of my time on a game I don't enjoy anymore. This is a goodbye from the server for the most part as well, I may pop in to talk with friends but other than that I won't be around. Farewells: @ZanderYou and Tomas brought me to the server and I thank you for that. You were my first commander and I'm glad to say you were my last I couldn't ask for a better friend. Just think 3 communities Zander and we destroyed 2 of them one being a top notch gmod server. @Tomas You as well brought me to this server and trained me as a CR way back on Icefuse, I always saw you as a role model type of figure. You Zander and I 3 communities... @Fizzik you were part of the OG 91st gonna miss those days even though you left us for ARC... @Black another 91st OG as well as a fellow 91st Commander along with military member, mad respect brother. @Bolt Keep doing what you're doing Bolt, You're a great kid don't let people downsize you because of your voice or age if they do their not worth your time. @Max You were my 91st Major and then my future admiral, You were a really good friend even though we have kind of drifted apart. @Core My boy since day one and my regimental land senior Commander, You were the one that inspired me to go for Regimental. My favorite little black boy. @Bazoo my little Tmod back in Icefuse, you started out just as another t-mod and me not knowing you at all and it turned into a great friendship that we have had between us. @Forseen thank's for giving me the chance to be an HA on Icefuse, you have alway believed in me and I thank you for that. Also my favorite Australian. @Joah Thank you for making this community I respect you for what you did on Icefuse, Please make sure that this is the people's server and not a tyrants server. @aStonedSparks Same as Joah my dude. @Weeaboo part of the OG Naval Commodore crew. @Llama/Yoda keep doing what you're doing as Yoda, you're a great guy. @Wolfro You joined the 91st when I was Commander and became one of my best friends, gonna miss you. @Rush Cat Glad you got the position you finally deserved. @Faoeoa One of my favorite brits and one of my best friends, gonna miss the days of fucking around. @Axe Papa Axe gonna miss you. @all of the 91st Gonna miss you, boys, we had lot's of fun times together, Glad to say that you were my first battalion along with my last. If I forget you just say in the post and I will add you in. Goodbye boys it was a fun time.
    2 points
  2. Hey all I made a pretty rad art of the 327 soldiers, hit me up if you want one with your battalion colors
    1 point
  3. With the Sad Weasels making clans to take on the Prince. If you would like to join the UFC Weight Classes apply here... Application Format: - How many fights have you won? - When are you gonna smash Mayweather? - What Weight Division are you apart of? - Weasels are those who support other clans, correct? ________________________________________________________
    1 point
  4. Yeah, dude. It's too bad you and I are so few and far between
    1 point
  5. Noooo You were awesome Lazer hope to still see you around every once in a while
    1 point
  6. Yeah, I know. It was made semi-serious because people weren't taking it seriously. I'm saying I wish it was serious, and very roleplay heavy.
    1 point
  7. @Blueberry Make me Rick.
    1 point
  8. I will miss you lazer and when you come back and get the feeling like we did before last year lets do 91st again
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Cya man. Nobody (except OG 91st) shall understand our comradre.
    1 point
  11. You cant leave me like that but, ill always remember the day we got an admin sit together and you broke like 3 doors, every one was blaming me, then medic yelled at every one because of you. But also the first time we met, back when forseen was DVL on icefuse, I was an event job, a little tac droid and then Sinister ask forseen to bring me on the ship since i got reprogrammed and I was selling hot pocket for him, then he sold me Faoeoa and then you came out of nowhere and you stole me. You were defending me against the naval and even RDM 2 of them with the only comments "its not RDM if no one sees it"' back when you were Neyo, and at this moment this is where our friendship started, 1 week later I became your T-Mod and because of you I got up to Admin, and then the purge happened. Ill miss you.
    1 point
  12. You will be missed Lazer, Thank you for your service.
    1 point
  13. DENIED RE RESIGN IN 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 DAYS
    1 point
  14. R.I.P Lazer, good luck man, we will miss you.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. This guy is a lil bitch what about DROOPY MC COOL!
    1 point
  17. naval is still cancer? smh war...war never changes
    1 point
  18. ANOTHER SORTA SERIOUS POST As of now this "post" or "forum" or whatever you want to call it is at 193 (194 after this) and 1,907 views. First of all wow, this has to be the biggest forum post on the website. Second of all, I didn't expect this to take off like it did. I literally went into ms paint one day and thought, "hmmm, I think I'll draw a really cool 327th trooper" and about 3 seconds in I realized that wasn't going to happen and just went with what my shaky ass hands made. That's how the "original" trooper came to be, I put "hit me up for your battalion colors" as a joke because I thought nobody would even look at this post except maybe my friends and now look at it, I'm making art for so many people on the server, I might as well be named SERVER ARTIST. All jokes aside I appreciate the support, even if it ironic, it defiantly helps both my self esteem and overall mood. (UH-OH a post about the guys mental instability) I do actually enjoy making these, even if they turn out looking like absolute garbage. Earlier in the pages I saw a post saying "never let this die" or something along those lines, and I thought yeah. At this point this post is just rambling in text form so I'll cut this short. It's 11:32 P.M. where I live and there's an event going on so I probably should help out so... In general I just want to thank you all for the "support" if I can call it that and hope to see my art spread across this server/community like wildefire. Anyway keep those requests coming and even if it takes 3-4 days I will draw it. Love, Blueberry/Bananaberry/Lemonberry <3
    1 point
  19. As the new admiral, I will be speaking to Commander Fox and issuing a NO BAIL rule on Fleet members, and possibly even demotion/removal if they are arrested for legitimate reasoning. Obviously Rear Admiral+ only able to bail fleet members. If there are any issues please direct them to me, either by private forum message, teamspeak message, tagging me in a post etc. I would love proof attached if there is a big issue and I will address all issues as they come. Thank you.
    1 point
  20. +1 Rep has resigned and in less than an hour, naval is retarded again. Well played.
    1 point
  21. oh rip there went another one, we didnt talk much rep, but you seemed pretty chill. btw dreams was the gree in january lmfao. thats when i was Bly and 41st was ded asf
    1 point
  22. took a while but heres the / / 1 0 4 G A N G \ \
    1 point
  23. @Bebocome on the Teamspeak and have a chat with me when possible my friend!
    1 point
  24. Agreed with Bacoon. I'd play the fuck out this. I'd be the best traffic officer guy out there
    1 point
  25. @Billiam Clinton Looks like you got a new steam profile picture.
    1 point
  26. I already started! Lets get more videos on here!
    1 point
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