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Grizzer Suggestion


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Name: 501st SFC Jiffrey / 501st Jedi Padawan Jiffrey

Add or Change: Add Grizzer the Massiff

Job: Grizzer

Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=760630012&searchtext=massiff

Weapons: Fists or something

Other: There should be an application for this job, and only 1 person can have it, since we have a hound for CG I believe this would make a great fit.

Edited by Jiffrey
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Just now, Hero said:

Errrr we already have a massif job that we use for events. (Unless it was removed) All you would need is a VIP with fists and permission to use the massif job and bingo bango bongo you have Grizzer. 


We do have a massiff for events but I am talking about Grizzer for more of an RP point of view

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Grizzer is already on the server. Whoever is Hound can pick a person to play Grizzer and must be by Hound at all times, as well as can only be on the Grizzer job while Hound is on. It's kind of how R2D2 And C3P0 used to work with Anakin. But in terms of Grizzer, it almost always led to minging.

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1. We already have a massiff model.
2. Whoever hound is may pick a grizzer (if i recall correctly)
3. This suggestion is already thing so there is no point in it.
4. Did you even run this by CG/BCMD of CG before making this post?  Because you obviously didnt, due to the fact you would be told there already is a massiff/Grizzer thing going on.

-1, already have it.

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-1 we already have a job



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