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Bbstine's Taggart Resignation

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Before I start this resignation, I now stand with the previous Taggarts in the whole "this job is actually so boring" phrase.


Battalion: Senate Commandos

RP Name: Captain Taggart

Date: 5/6/2018

Reason: The job is honestly in my opinion extremely boring, there's no progression past Taggart, I understand its for the roleplay but it's just not worth it to hold it anymore. 

Goodbyes: None, I'm on the server,

I do wish for my 1st Lieutenant to go for it if he'd like.
Edited by Bbstine
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We may have had a bit of a rough start (somehow skipped the questions on SC tryouts, batoned an event job, and got a strike in the battalion.) but it was good to have you as Taggart, BB, us Senate Commandos will miss you as our leader. You were a good Taggart but your reason for resignation is understandable.

Edited by Tec
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Future Dev Team Assistant
Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky, Republic Intelligence Jedi Agent Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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goodnight blue guy


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5 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

SC isn't a waste of spots, you just need someone who is actually going to be dedicated to lead it and the job "being" boring is just an opinion not a fact. The people in it love it and hold it close to them. With this resignation we only get stronger.

i agree (made this name when i first was in CG along time ago


Edited by CG SS CPL Soccer
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8 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

SC isn't a waste of spots, you just need someone who is actually going to be dedicated to lead it and the job "being" boring is just an opinion not a fact. The people in it love it and hold it close to them. With this resignation we only get stronger.

that is one of the worst statements, I have ever heard. 4 Taggerts in 2 months is a good indicator and they will probably get removed soon.

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20 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

SC isn't a waste of spots, you just need someone who is actually going to be dedicated to lead it and the job "being" boring is just an opinion not a fact. The people in it love it and hold it close to them. With this resignation we only get stronger.

You are lost if you actually believe this. The problem is, is that Senate Commandos have one job. Protect Senators. If they aren't on then theres no point for you to play on the Senate Commando job. Battalions and squads with one specialization or one thing to do will not work on a server like this.

The job of Senate Commandos could easily be given back to CG to do and would still make sense lore wise as CG protected and saved Senators just as much as Senate Commandos.

Edited by Dargon
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1 minute ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

SC do more then just guard the senate, that's like saying 91st job is only to Recon....

That is what their battalion does as they are a Recon battalion. Either way 91st have specialization that allow the troopers to participate in other roleplay situations, such as being a medic. As Senate Commando your job is to protect the Senator, nothing more nothing less. 

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1 minute ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Actually, SC has talked with CG and when CG need help or none are online we take over their job, we do more then just guard the senate. We are talking with with and consulting with CG giving SC more to do.

Congrats, right there you prove my point. SC is useless, remove them, and hand CG everything they do (like we did before). There is literally no point for them to be on the server. We do not need 2 CG's. - Look man nothing you can say is going to make SC's defense better, actually the more you say the more it's hurting your case.

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