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Corpsman’s Staff Application

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RP Name: TR DU MED SFC Corpsman

Steam ID: Steam_0:0:55552523

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Male

Timezone: UTC-7 PDT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to help people on the server who need admins. I want to help make this server great and help bring happiness to all who play on it. Even though, I only joined the server for only a month. I have been on everyday since I started and have been active for 10 hours each day. All I like to do is provide the care and need for all gamers who love the server. I am a Serious RP player who devotes his time to play on the server. All I do is work and just get online and active. I never rarely seem lol because I find this server to be the best servers I have played on even when there is about 10 people on and the rest are AFK for hours. I just want to provide support as much as I can when on. I Don’t have experience as staff in roleplay servers. But sure would want to learn how to in order to  give aid for people when needed. I never wanted to be a staff member in other roleplays but joining this Synergy Roleplay has given me passion to want to apply. Love this server so much stopped playing any other games. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a mature person who works as a Medical Intern at a hospital. On my free time I play Garry’s Mod to get away from reality. I am done with college I graduated early. I am a very friendly person who loves everyone. I don’t hate or disagree with anyone. I am a person who accepts what people have to say. I am fluent in German, English, and Vietnamese.     I am serious person with a sense of humor. I am a team player.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I don’t have experience  as staff.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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