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Twrgy's Boss Application


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Steam Name:
[SR] Twrgy [NA]

RP Name:
RC 40 Delta Squad TECH Fixer

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
Delta Squad Leader Boss


I first started playing Star Wars RP early November of 2017 when I broke my growth plate and was stuck in bed for 2 months. I was extremely bored and had a lot of time on my hands so I put all my time and effort into Synergy. 

Here's how it went 

212th PVT Twrgy - TR 212th 2ndAC SSG Twrgy
I was in 212th for about a good month and it was great, I learned all the basics and how to be a good soldier. After starting to go up the ranks I decided to go to 2ndAC tryouts and past on my first try. I eventually became a 2ndAC Medic and had a lot of fun with that. But with me being new to the server and wanting to find a battalion that was perfect for me, I eventually left the 212th Attack Battalion.
212th was amazing, but I just didn't feel like it was right for me.


91st Reconnaissance Battalion

Ah, 91st. The great battalion that got removed from the server. I was in 91st for about 2-3 weeks during that time I learned a couple things. When I was in 91st Bigman was Neyo. Bigman was one of the nicest people and he taught me a lot and was generous enough to lend me some money just so I can have better weapons. 
I can't remember what rank I was in 91st but I worked my way up the ranks and eventually I was granted Medical Officer. I have always loved being a medic because I was able to help people out and save some damn lives.
But unfortunately, 91st became really dead. M
e and all the Officers tried to keep up the activity but it was a struggle, It sucked having to leave 91st but I just wasn't having fun.

327th Defence Battalion 

327th was my home, everyone in it was a really good friend of mine. I loved that battalion, it was the first battalion that I was fully loyal too. I was, of course, a medic and became apart of BACTL. I had some much fun saving lives and having an overall fun time. But this fun was very short lived because around this time is when my leg started to feel better I went inactive
So for the 2months, I was stuck in bed I put around 600 hours a month into synergy and got burnt out. I took a break for about 3 months to kinda get my life back together. 


I come back after not going on the server for 3 months and I see that 327th and 91st are gone. It hurt a little bit but I searched for a battalion that had my old friends in it.

501st Attack Battalion
I noticed a lot of my old friends were in the 501st so I decided to join it, I had a lot of fun and it was cool catching up with some of my friends that I haven't talked to in a couple months. I was just a normal CSM working hard training recruits and leading events.
I wasn't in 501st for long because I remembered my one goal on synergy. That one goal was RC, it seems like a pretty small goal but that was the only thing I really wanted. 


Galactic Marines
With me being extremely interested in joining RC I needed to be put in a serious 
environment so I can get properly trained. GM and all the NCO's in it helped me out in so many different ways. Everything to Oxen telling me about every single part of my computer to teach me
tech, to shaping me into a disciplined individual.
Huge thank you to GM and everything that they did for me. Including TECH/EOD training and of the 
GMACT's. I learned everything that I needed too. If you want to learn everything from tactics to leadership, I HIGHLY recommend GM for anyone who is interested in learning how to be a leader.

Now that I was properly trained It was time to go for RC. I probably attended to 20+ tryouts and never gave up. It was extremely hard not giving up but something about me is that I never give up on anything no matter how big the goal is.


Delta Squad TECH Fixer
After days of just staying online waiting for tryouts finally got in and damn did it feel great. Every since getting Fixer I have been super active and having a blast on synergy. I have been doing mass amounts of RP and have met so many new people. Being in RC is amazing because its like one big friend group, and this is something I never want to leave. I took a 3-day break from Garry's mod and that break just completely made me want to be even more active than I usually am. And my time has come to continue on the streak of Fixer becoming Boss.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I feel as if my time has come, I have been on Synergy for a while now and I have learned so much. I am super confident in the plans I have for the future of Delta Squad. I am willing to work closely with everyone in Delta Squad and be open to every suggestion and idea. I want to make Delta Squad fun and entertaining because sometimes being in RC gets boring and I want to turn that around and bring in some fun to the Squad.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:


Weekdays: 12:00PM-11:00PM
Weekends are a bit harder for me to get on, but I can for sure get at least 10 hours in over the weekend.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
Since early November of 2017

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
Although there Is not much I can do with 4 people, I do have some plans. I want to have everyone having a blast and super active. Like giving rewards to the active users and having everyone act like their character in-game. We have been trying to start that recently and Its been fun.
Overall I want to have Delta Squad be active and having fun.d


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

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+1, I’ve read through your application and you have the grit and the attitude needed to run a squad. You have some tough competition but if you go into it like you went into becoming RC sand you stay calm and level headed you have a pretty good shot at becoming Boss. Good luck with the rest of the process - Acorn/Rex

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  • Coordinator

+1 Twrgy has been extremely active with in rc and as a member of Sobde Knows what hes doing I believe both of them would be great bosses



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Mega +1, don’t usually +1 many apps but when I saw this I definitely think you deserved it. You worked very hard for your position and hard to keep it and so I believe that you should absolutely be the next Boss. Goodluck bro. 

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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  • Retired Founder

This application has been voided as per the request of the applicant.

This is your only void given for the next 30 days. If you void another application in the next

30 days you will be unable to apply for another commander position for 30 days.

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