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Hawkeye/Dez Staff Application


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RP Name: (TR) 4thGM 2LT Dez

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:174261832

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator : I wish to become a part of the staff team to be apart of something bigger within this community, finding new people to help and lead. I want to prove I can be valuable to the community and to the server in terms of helping out others as well as fellow staff members, rather it's bringing people to the location of a debrief where they may have not spawned, or having an admin sit with a potential compromise to the role play immersion.

I want to make it a duty to be active and able to serve the player base of this community, showing my ability to find a proper and necessary solution to any and all problems I might encounter. I wish to have more weight to my name in terms of respect, which I believe I have earned, and if I have not I seek to prove that I am worth every bit of respect one may have to give. As a potential applicant for staff, I want to say that my time on this server, since I have joined so long ago, has not gone to waist as I have tried to make a good impression on people, new and old. I wish to be apart of the uplifting, helpful, respected, and vital team known as the Synergy Staff Team.

Throwing my knowledge, as well as any new knowledge I may pick up in, to help keep this community running as a finely oiled machine. Speaking on my  experience as a former staff member for not only this community, but a short number of others. I have the experience and  knowledge to take on a staff position, and be able to proficiently handle all task I am assigned to do.

  In conclusion I want to do my part to make the server, community and staff team better as a whole. 

Tell us a little about yourself : Well, first off my name is Connor, I have a deep voice and tend to be confused for a college junior by most who do not know me. I am born and raised in the Lone Star State of Texas, where I have spend all my life hunting, fishing and working on cars ( with some experience xD).

I find that the best stories tend to have some sort of romance in them, as it makes for a good twist in any plot, and my favorite stories are great examples of that. If you are wondering what stories those are, well... Halo, Star wars, Harry Potter (Still good) and the divergent series. Weirdly enough I am still alive through all the retarded things I've done. Snow skiing every year followed by a day of snow boarding (which I do not suggest unless you have great balance) isn't the best thing to do after jut barely recovering from 3 concussions from football.

Concluding this section, I am a huge nerd and have very much fun roleplaying and dis like it when people ruin that, And I wish to help prevent such things fro happening to others.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I do! I was a former Senior admin on an old server I played years ago, as well as a head in game developer for a small time server that unfortunately didn't last very long though it was very educational getting familiarized with all the Gmod tools.

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