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Hades's BCMD Blitz Application


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Steam Name: Hades


RP Name: Null 07 Mereel Skirata


Steam ID :STEAM_1:1:104020785


Battalion or squad you are applying for: RANCOR BCMD Blitz


Experience: I have been on multiple gmod star wars rp servers where I have held officer or Bcmd positions on each of them, I have also been a high ranking member of the Jedi order on these other servers, I am also the former commander Colt before Miller and held that position from January 19th to February 25th. In these positions that were previously stated I was responsible for the upkeep of the documents for these battalions, the standards that I set for my, and along with the help of my men keeping up proper means of running the battalion with the help of my men. I also had to come up with training documents and ways to enhance my men's experience, while at the same time promoting proper etiquette and standards within the battalion. 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I was in Rancor from November 17th to March 17th when I left to join Null. The reason I left is because I thought that Rancor was in very good hands and was in a good situation. Little did I realize that since I had been away and for the few weeks I was back turmoil had been brewing beneath the surface that has threatened to tear the battalion apart( DISCLAIMER: in my opinion it was at this point in my eyes and if some people do not feel it was this bad then they can believe this). After finding this out I rushed in to try and solve it running a meeting with everyone to try and solve due to the fact that the former BCMD was on an LOA to deal with personal issues. In the span of a week and a half I held 2 meetings to try and calm the tension that was brewing and communicated with all levels of the battalion to try and get to the root of the problem and solve it. I believe that I helped the situation as best I could with the position I am in. This was no benefit to me and just added to the stress of my IRL work having to oversee 32 restaurants and deal with all of this. The reason I did it was because I care about the future of Rancor.

I moved up the ranks in Rancor from Private all the way to commander. Was I a perfect commander, HELL NO. But I tried my best and at times it got very stressful but I keep going because I was not going to leave the battalion til I thought it was in a good place. I helped nurture this battalion with the help of the other 3 active people in Rancor. It was me, Tofu, Rider, and Scion who were the only active people in Rancor(Disclaimer: sorry if you were someone who was active in that time , those are just the 4 I remember). And we put our heads down and pressed forwards. We rebuilt the battalion from the ground up, got the battalion to a brighter spot and things definitely were looking up.

Rancor is in a tough spot and very few people know about all the things that are happening and that need to be changed. I am one of those people. I am ready to help nurture the battalion back to what I feel like was its peak of success. I will definitely not be going in to this alone. I have a lot of new ideas that will help bring the battalion back together and will make it the elite battalion it should have been all along. It won't just be MY image of what the battalion should be. It will be the combined image of all of Rancor to be the best battalion on the server. I know it won't be a walk in the park, BUT I know I won't have to do it alone.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: yes no doubt about it.


Availability: most weekdays I can be on 4 hours a day and on the weekends I will be n at least 6 hours. I do have a job that may interfere with me playing one or 2 days out of the week but other than that I will be fine.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since the beginning of November


Do you have a microphone?: yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: AT the end of my term I want to know that I will be handing the reigns over to someone who will make Rancor better then I make it. I want them to say " you know what we accomplished a lot and we made the battalion great". I want the other battalions to say "DAM, we need to take some notes from them" I want Rancor to be at a place where everyone that interacts with us thinks that this battalion is the best. And last but not least I want my men to be having fun inside of Rancor during and after my stay in the battalion. Because it really is just a game and if your not have fun while playing a video game then you need to rethink it all.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:yes 100%


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Current: 41st MED
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood, 2ndAC Bear, Parjai-5 through 3, | First Rav Bralor


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-1 For leaving the battalion in a time of trouble, then come running back shortly after after a big position opened up. And you weren't serious enough when you were in your position in rancor, you started  causing drama the second you came back from your LOA.

Also for being that lazy to not nothing changing your text color to something legible

Edited by Scoutly
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2 minutes ago, Scoutly said:

-1 For leaving the battalion in a time of trouble, then come running back shortly after after a big position opened up. And you weren't serious enough when you were in your position in rancor, you started  causing drama the second you came back from your LOA.

Also for being that lazy to not nothing changing your text color to something legible

I would like to say that i did not come running back when a position was open because i had the first meeting while blitz was still tofu. Also what do you mean changing the text color???

I do appreciate the feedback however.

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Just now, Hades3481 said:

I would like to say that i did not come running back when a position was open because i had the first meeting while blitz was still tofu. Also what do you mean changing the text color???

I do appreciate the feedback however.

Black text on a black background my dude, almost having a stroke tryna read this.

Just now, Thexan said:


There are only two people fit for the position. You were avidly determined to join Null, and it is better to stay there or rejoin and help whoever gets it.

He jumped on the Null ship without telling barely anyone, which i can say from experience, if he would have stayed alot of the problems would have been alleviated which subsequently lead to tofu's removal, as Hades did his job as COL well. and in regards, i wouldn't mind a Non Rancor BCMD, if it is the right person of course.

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2 minutes ago, AlextheConqustidor said:

-1 from what I heard you ditched Rancor, and I feel the battalion themselves wouldnt want this. Regain your relations with your group and then I'll +1 but for now you aren't ready to lead them.


1 minute ago, Carter said:

-1 Gotta say I would rather someone that is in Rancor to take over the mantle of Blitz, very few can replace Tofu and jumping over as soon as it opens up doesn't seem like a good indication to me.

I have been keeping up communications in recent weeks as specified in my application. I have been doing what I can with what I am able to do from the outside. I have also been keeping up with how things were going and was never given any reason to believe things were not going well until recently. I never fell out of communication and if Turk hadn’t beat me to it I was planning on being their outreach. 

I do appreciate the feedback you have given.

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24 minutes ago, Hades3481 said:


I have been keeping up communications in recent weeks as specified in my application. I have been doing what I can with what I am able to do from the outside. I have also been keeping up with how things were going and was never given any reason to believe things were not going well until recently. I never fell out of communication and if Turk hadn’t beat me to it I was planning on being their outreach. 

I do appreciate the feedback you have given.

I get that but your own battalion still doesn't seem to agree. I'm still gonna -1 for now 

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You went and complained that tofu was talking shit about higher ups, had no substantial proof to back it up.

Tofu was removed by request of the battalion, and from what I saw the night he was removed you were pretty happy about it. Chatting it up in your channel, already pre-typed a commander application.

Obvious powerplay, I hope you don't get anything.

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Pointless banter, "From what i SAW you were chatting it up" wow i can also see vocal conversations. This may very well be a power play and he may be a dick head. but go about it in a decent manner. 

neutral, Power play is obvious but with good intentions i presume, Tofu imo was immature, removing someone's arc training for getting mamba demoted. Making a report then applying for it right after is frowned upon. Hope the intent is positive and not purely for the power.

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18 minutes ago, WaterMelonWolf said:

Pointless banter, "From what i SAW you were chatting it up" wow i can also see vocal conversations. This may very well be a power play and he may be a dick head. but go about it in a decent manner. 

neutral, Power play is obvious but with good intentions i presume, Tofu imo was immature, removing someone's arc training for getting mamba demoted. Making a report then applying for it right after is frowned upon. Hope the intent is positive and not purely for the power.

Why the fuck do you even comment? No one gives a shit if you're neutral, this is just an excuse to jump on any case to be a smart ass because it fulfills your deluded aspirations of garnering attention. Be it negative or positive, you want attention.

I honestly am completely against telling people to leave or even banning/kicking people, but you are just an absolute blight on this community.

I've already warned you once about that kind of shit, enjoy your ban.

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58 minutes ago, Jek said:


You went and complained that tofu was talking shit about higher ups, had no substantial proof to back it up.

Tofu was removed by request of the battalion, and from what I saw the night he was removed you were pretty happy about it. Chatting it up in your channel, already pre-typed a commander application.

Obvious powerplay, I hope you don't get anything.

So you don’t know the whole story so let me explain before anyone else tries to ruin my name with one sided, bogus and down right disrespectful accusations.

tofu got back last night and as I said in my post I’ve been trying to help rancor with some internal issues over the past weeks. I asked tofu if I could talk to him in private, he said sure. When we get down to the channel I tell him all the problems I know of. He said ok. That’s it. And he said it in a way that sounded as if he could care less about the problems that were found in Rancor during his loa. IN MY OPINION THIS IS WHAT IT SOUNDED LIKE. I then said “ dude I’m so glad your back because I heard from llama that if you weren’t back by Monday the directors said they were gonna remove you.” THIS WAS TOFUS RESPONSE TO THIS. “ dude honestly the directors can all go fuck themselves, josh and them have had it out for me since I became blitz so honestly fuck them. This is my battalion and I will run it the way that I see fit.” After this happens I just was shocked and I said ok and then I left to the rc channel. When I got to the rc channel I didn’t know what to do so I asked a few people in their and they told me to tell josh. 

So I would kindly ask from now on before people try and besmirch me and my name and reputation that you know all sides. 

Also for anyone who says this is power play you’ll get a real kick out of this. I ENCOURAGE ALL OF YOU WHO SAY POWERPLAY to talk to shakes about what I told him my plan was if I got blitz. Cause my plan is not to run the battalion as a bcmd but to instead have colt havoc and blitz all be equals and have equal command of the battalion. Ask shakes and if you still don’t believe then that’s your problem.

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1 minute ago, Hades3481 said:

So you don’t know the whole story so let me explain before anyone else tries to ruin my name with one sided, bogus and down right disrespectful accusations.

tofu got back last night and as I said in my post I’ve been trying to help rancor with some internal issues over the past weeks. I asked tofu if I could talk to him in private, he said sure. When we get down to the channel I tell him all the problems I know of. He said ok. That’s it. And he said it in a way that sounded as if he could care less about the problems that were found in Rancor during his loa. IN MY OPINION THIS IS WHAT IT SOUNDED LIKE. I then said “ dude I’m so glad your back because I heard from llama that if you weren’t back by Monday the directors said they were gonna remove you.” THIS WAS TOFUS RESPONSE TO THIS. “ dude honestly the directors can all go fuck themselves, josh and them have had it out for me since I became blitz so honestly fuck them. This is my battalion and I will run it the way that I see fit.” After this happens I just was shocked and I said ok and then I left to the rc channel. When I got to the rc channel I didn’t know what to do so I asked a few people in their and they told me to tell josh. 

So I would kindly ask from now on before people try and besmirch me and my name and reputation that you know all sides. 

Also for anyone who says this is power play you’ll get a real kick out of this. I ENCOURAGE ALL OF YOU WHO SAY POWERPLAY to talk to shakes about what I told him my plan was if I got blitz. Cause my plan is not to run the battalion as a bcmd but to instead have colt havoc and blitz all be equals and have equal command of the battalion. Ask shakes and if you still don’t believe then that’s your problem.

I just put my 2 cents in homie

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3 minutes ago, Jek said:

I just put my 2 cents in homie

When you finish your statement with “ I hope you don’t get anything” and claiming that “ I had a pretyped commander application” in my personal opinion it sounds a little bit more than just your 2 cents and when an owner says that about someone how good of a chance do I have if an someone with your status says this. 

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4 minutes ago, Hades3481 said:

When you finish your statement with “ I hope you don’t get anything” and claiming that “ I had a pretyped commander application” in my personal opinion it sounds a little bit more than just your 2 cents and when an owner says that about someone how good of a chance do I have if an someone with your status says this. 

Those were my 2 cents.

Your chances are predetermined by the actions you took before making this application, all I did was put in my personal opinion. Frankly, if I had to put in my personal opinion then you must be doing something wrong. I'm not saying I'm a god or anything silly like that, I'm just trying to say that I don't even comment on applications because of how much power my word can have over some people. Simply put, I felt very strongly over your application.

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While I am one who doesn't believe in one having to be in the battalion to manage to get BCMD I must say that in this case you are not the one RANCOR needs at this time of its life as the other candidates are the one who can repair its broken bones in this case being infrastructure. I myself have nothing at all against you nor how you act on the server but it seems those who have stayed and helped RANCOR do not have the best of relations with you. I sadly will have to -1 this application.

-SO ARC BCMD Starrk, ARC-3290

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