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OSCARMIKES// Staff Application

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79847526

Age:16and a half


Timezone: GMT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I feel I have what it takes to uphold the servers good name and I am constantly active on the synergy community. I do tend to help out new people when I am online  and will find new ways to make the server more innovative.i love the staff on this server and hope that I make the cut to become a synergy member staff. I will continue to help out where I can .and if I'm ever made staff I will help support anyone who joins .

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a person who loves to RP, I love to help out when I can and I wish to become a staff member to help the community to grow, and will continue to learn from my mistakes and I will continue to impress and become the gratest trainer ever.



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-1, sorry my guy but there's two reasons. It's not very detailed, and you didn't even follow the format of the minimum required sentences. It's small, but if small things slip by, what else can on the forums if you get accepted, you know? 

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-1 dude you have been blacklisted from 3 battlefield now. I don't think you are for this yet letting even have the power to kick I can't imagine. I would suggest to re change your attitude and manners and maybe this night get accepted.

Former: Liaison


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-1 - Blacklisted from RM, 91st, DU and a few other battalions, and has broke numerous rules and shittalked people.

That necessarily doesn't disqualify him from the position, but all of these are fresh ass wounds, so.


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-1 He's not ready for staff and doesn't know how to handle a stressful situation at all. After I kicked him out of DU the first time for disrespect and minge, he eventually rejoined with another name instead. He eventually got kicked out and blacklisted...again for similar reasons. Immediately after kicking him out, he outright flamed me in ooc, staff tickets, and in-game voice chat. Called our battalion and myself a lot of names. Officer disrespect, battalion disrespect, and frankly he just is not ready to be in any position of power whatsoever. Also he's blacklisted from at least DU, 91st, and RM atm, maybe more.

Also, he recently changed his name and tried to become a DU RM as well, even though he knows he's been blacklisted TWICE.

Edited by Deadly
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This application has been denied for the following reasons:

Lack of Detail

Poor Community Feedback

You may reapply in 30 days to improve yourself as a candidate for an Administrative Role here at Synergy Roleplay

- Fleet Admiral Yularen | Freck

// Locked 

// Moved to Denied


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