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Charles' Rex Application

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 Steam Name: Charles

RP Name: Vyse

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:84644919

Battalion you are applying for: 501st

501st Legion (PVT-CMD) Jan 2024-Present

I was interested in getting back into a Clone Wars RP after I spent many years in other communities outside of the game mode, and I found Synergy, a server that was on my radar for some time. I joined with my initial intent of joining the 501st and within my very first interaction in the server I met a very outgoing and friendly BCMD Rex in that of Reborn who had just started his term as Rex, and I was instantly hooked, making the rank of SGT and joining the NCO Core in just two days. I had my sights on becoming an ARC Trooper and going through the program which is still an institution that to this day, I try to uphold the standards and the teachings they gave. I joined the 332nd Company at SSG and became a Marshal in it not long after which helped me greatly in becoming the 332nd Lead as Vaughn. During my time as Vaughn, I worked to grow and progress the subunit, making it as active as possible, and strived to work on our roleplay, EOD effectiveness, and activity. Reborn and especially my Jesse at the time Karl helped greatly in achieving this task, and the 332nd was on a positive uphill for the months I held the position as its lead. Rising through the officer ranks, I made sure that everything ran smoothing when it came to the logging of our training, recruitments, and battalion-specific training, and I’m still doing this as I’m writing this application. As many people know for a time I did leave the 501st but came back after two weeks because I felt my time in the 501st was not done and that I had more to offer and more to offer. I was rising back from SGT-CMD, becoming the ARCO a regimental title I have held for the last two months to get the 501st ARC Program back into the swing of things and be more active as it used to be when I first became an ARC Trooper. Since returning, I have worked well with my fellow officers and have been a trusted companion of both Rick and BOOM as we continued to push the 501st back to BOTM status and have focused on updating documents regarding the recruitment and training process for the troopers in the 501st to be more streamlined and in-depth. 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


My sole belief is always working to strive for greatness, excel at every position you take, and use it to your best benefit and highest potential. So far in the 501st I have done all that, but there was always something that needed to set me higher. I have looked at the Battalion Commander position for the many months I’ve been in the 501st with many peers believing that I can reach the position and thrive in it. So far the battalion as a whole is in a strong position, one of which someone who has helped define the position should be at the helm, and I believe that should be me. Being in the 501st for half a year, rising the ranks twice, and achieving Commander is a rare accomplishment in my time on the server, and I want to go even further for the battalion. 


With that, I am actively working to make the 501st Legion a battalion where everyone’s experiences will be a positive reflection of their time playing Synergy. My current commitment to the battalion is as strong as ever, working every day with my officer team as we continue on the legacy of the 501st. I’m very ecstatic and glad that I can get the opportunity to become the battalion commander, throwing my hat into the circle of many who have come and tried, and succeeded before me. I’m stepping up for this challenge, not only for myself but for my guys as well. 


Availability: Everyday at any hour since I work nights unless I’m sleeping in the morning to early afternoon


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since January 2024, with around 1120+ hours

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:


Officer Core:

I have the opportunity to be in a position where many of the foundational cores in the 501st are at an all-time high in terms of strength and commitment. They work daily to grow our battalion, which is a complete turnaround from just a few months ago. Officers in the battalion during my term and at the end will continue this trend, as I work to fix any underlying issues with their responsibilities, their work as officers, and how they interact with one another and their NCOS.

Yes, even the positives have some issues, and what the 501st can work on is officer responsibilities, changing our scraping-the-barrel methods, and adding more realistic goals for our Senior Officers and lower officer ranks. Officers will be watched closely by the SOs, especially our Commanders, to ensure that their work for the battalion is at or above our standards. With updates to our documents on training officers, and what they’re expected to do, I have absolute faith that by the end of my term the officer core will be strong to be self-sufficient and that the person that follows in my steps will continue to walk that line. 


NCO Core:

The NCOs are the true backbone of any battalion, and the 501st is no exception to this belief as they are the beating heart and energetic soul that is needed for us to thrive. The non-commissioned officers are the ones who at this current moment are growing to move up in the ranks and can accomplish all of their goals. Without them, the battalion wouldn’t be in the current state that it is in. With that at the end of my term, this needs to stay, and I want to work to strive our NCOs to new heights, encouraging them to take up leadership positions across our regiments and subunits. Keeping our current rank requirements for both low and senior NCOs, with encouraging our lowers (SGT-SFC) to recruit, push out battalion trainings, and take part in patrol quests as an SL, having it be a stepping stone to what we offer for SNCOs to do in the battalion which is leading deployments and training our newer SGTs. 



Another fortunate position that I’ve had during my time in the 501st is how the battalion has a strong connection between our Jedi and Clones, and how well we work together. Many prominent Jedi join our ranks and succeed while we learn and grow off one another’s success. We’ll continue as a battalion to keep our strong stance on dual Jedi and Clone policy and have lifted some former restrictions that were set in the past, such as Clone to Jedi transfers and vice versa. 



One of the most sought-after and early training any trooper will come to us for on the server, and I enjoy that the 501st has this opportunity. Not only is it a great training and an impactful one for those to learn for the 501st, but it’s also needed for other battalions. As a 332nd and Former Vaughn, I always made sure to have my guys stay on top of EOD, whether it was the training or practicing of defuse and detonation. This tradition of training the newest EOD-trained troopers will continue on the server every day during my term and after. With EOD during my term, I will attempt to make it a requirement for newly trained 501st troopers to be trained in EOD after they’re recruited, making it an easier and smoother process for NCOs and the new troopers. 


332nd Company:


The 332nd Company is my true home, the subunit that gave me a huge chance to grow and strive for a leadership position within the 501st. In my 7 months of being in the subunit, it has come a long way from being strong in numbers to even being at its lowest. As of now, it has a strong core with some of the best troopers I have gotten to know in my time within it. We have a total of 13 slots and don’t have any plans to grow or decrease. Heavy Ordinance has made a huge bounceback recently, and the 332nd ranks are always looking to fill their slots, with all members equally taking part in doing so. As of now, the 332nd is in a strong position, and with its leadership and guiding commanders it will continue to do so. 


Torrent Company: 

The best of the best that is ready for anything that is thrown at them... Torrent Company has made immense changes in the last few months, with changing leadership in the Appo position. They have focused on strengthening the characters in their abilities rather than working from an overall perspective. Overall this to me is a better outcome, as I’d rather see our Fives be the leader, over the followers of Dogma and Tup. It is always the troopers to successfully roleplay the characters as they were. With a new Appo coming in soon, I hope that we can continue to keep the serious nature of TC during deployments and special events made for them and push out specific Torrent Company training that helps to grow and develop the characters. It is a subunit in tremendous health, with many members being future leaders of the 501st and the subunit in the foreseeable future. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by Charles

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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Veteran Admin

+1 Love this guy 100% could run the battalion easy

  • Pay Respect 1
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GM Leadership

+1 He does amazing work and always looking at the next move to make 501st even better

  • Friendly 1

Current: Diplomatic Services | TGM III | Senior Admin | Game Master Officer

Former: 501st CMD 332nd Vaughn | 332nd Officer Sterling | TC Boomer | TC Hardcase 

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You got this +1 

  • Friendly 1

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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Veteran Admin

Is already a Commander, he is there for a reason. I believe in yah. 


  • Pay Respect 1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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Veteran Admin

+1 You or Moose could get it honestly its a win win you both are great people for rex!

  • Friendly 1

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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+1, while reviewing the other applicants applications, I believe you have a very well thought out long term plan for some of the changes you would like to make, one question for you, as stated in Mooses' application, you guys apparently have an OVERPOPULATION of Captains at the current moment, what is your plan of dealing with this? I apologize if I missed this in your application, but I didn't see this problem addressed.

  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1

Current: 41st MED
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood, 2ndAC Bear, Parjai-5 through 3, | First Rav Bralor


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25 minutes ago, Kase said:

+1, while reviewing the other applicants applications, I believe you have a very well thought out long term plan for some of the changes you would like to make, one question for you, as stated in Mooses' application, you guys apparently have an OVERPOPULATION of Captains at the current moment, what is your plan of dealing with this? I apologize if I missed this in your application, but I didn't see this problem addressed.

One reason I didn't mention this issue of overpopulation is that as of today and the upcoming days, this issue would fix itself naturally. The CPT count has significantly dropped from 8 down to 5, with most of these CPTs being recently promoted from LT in the last week. We now sit at 3 CMDs (one being a Jedi Commander with myself going for BCMD), 2 MAJs, 5 CPTs, 2 LTs, and 1 WO. Still not the best in terms of Lower Officers to Senior Officers, but that's where our growing NCO Core comes into place as they rise through the ranks and grow in leadership, whether that be through our regiments or subunits. 

  • Informative 1

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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+1,  known this guy since he joined, puts in great work ethic and honestly a great guy, he lead 332nd very well as his time as Vaughn and I think he can lead the battalion very well, good luck shit head 

  • Friendly 1
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I think, this is an easy sent to interview app. He has been in 501st for awhile, has done excellent work within 501st, and knows the battalion well. I'd prefer you over Moose, however both are great

I wish you the best of luck!

  • Friendly 1

41st Jedi Commander Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
claire <3


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Charles cooks and is already a CMD for a reason.

Either choice will be a good one

  • Friendly 1

Current: Green Company Deputy MEDO LT Nemec

Former: 212th Ghost Company ARFL Trapper | Senator Aang | 212th Ghost Company Lead CMD Boil | Green Company Officer SUPO Fireball


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After working with you for a while, I think you have good ideas for the battalion, the drive to see them done, and the right attitude to have a strong term.

  • Pay Respect 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Director

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.




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