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Hey everyone! It's been a long time.

I haven't really touched the server since the spring of 2021, and boy time has flown by. I'm going into my senior year of college and things have been great, but a part of me has always missed this. Hopping on after school, putting in the hours and the work, hanging out with friends, just getting to experience star wars alongside a bunch of other nerds 24/7. It was a blast. I made some real lasting friendships here, and I've even had the privilege of meeting some people IRL. 

With that being said... what's been going on? What have I missed? How is the server doing? How are all of YOU doing? Idk if anyone around will remember me, but even if you don't know who I am, feel free to chip in- what's life on the server like these days?

It's a slippery slope, and I don't want to come back fully, probably, but it'd be fun to pop in and hangout. 


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On 7/14/2024 at 5:11 AM, Foxey said:

Hey everyone! It's been a long time.

I haven't really touched the server since the spring of 2021, and boy time has flown by. I'm going into my senior year of college and things have been great, but a part of me has always missed this. Hopping on after school, putting in the hours and the work, hanging out with friends, just getting to experience star wars alongside a bunch of other nerds 24/7. It was a blast. I made some real lasting friendships here, and I've even had the privilege of meeting some people IRL. 

With that being said... what's been going on? What have I missed? How is the server doing? How are all of YOU doing? Idk if anyone around will remember me, but even if you don't know who I am, feel free to chip in- what's life on the server like these days?

It's a slippery slope, and I don't want to come back fully, probably, but it'd be fun to pop in and hangout. 


This server has never been more casual friendly than it is now. 

The events and players may not be the same level of quality, but its good enough to put 4 hours of your night into casually and then hop off for two days. 

Aside from the physical things mentioned above, we've had lots of rule changes, regiment adjustments, Factions do different things etc. It is REALLY hard to list here, @Xazeput the server on his back and ran in a direction with it. @Jayarr popped back into the Dev team and has made some incredible maps, @Marvelis old now and the Server tenured him to Management. Our Directors are both competent and honestly the current server state is so diverse that you can't really be told it without having experienced it. 

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