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Rick staff report

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RP Name: Atomic

Steam ID:76561198260102852

Staff member you are reporting: Rick

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): Dont have

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Banned me for playing on a job i paid for and when i asked for another admin to talk to he just banned me 

Explain the situation: ^

Evidence (If applicable): Video is being uploaded now will release when done 
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3 minutes ago, cpt.atomic said:


ill be sure to watch this all tomorrow and come back with timestamps!

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It’s near the end of the video everything important atleast 

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Veteran Admin
12 hours ago, cpt.atomic said:
RP Name: Atomic

Steam ID:76561198260102852

Staff member you are reporting: Rick

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): Dont have

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Banned me for playing on a job i paid for and when i asked for another admin to talk to he just banned me 

Explain the situation: ^

Evidence (If applicable): Video is being uploaded now will release when done 

This is the third report in two days as you didnt like the outcome of report and resubmitted it only to get the same response. Now it feels like you are starting to target people.

Whether you spend money or not, the right to play and the right to have fun is down to you and your behavior the small print when purchasing VIP literally states "Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing." Which has clearly happened being you are Blacklisted from Naval.

The Admin clearly states that you have been black listed from the job. In fact he actually gives you a chance twice. 

'You have been blacklisted you need to get off the job or youll be banned for No intent to RP'

You then dont play your recording which, to me means you are trying to hide something I can assume you said you werent getting off it.

To which Rick being very patient said. 'Get off or get banned' I know a lot of staff that wouldnt be that patient. 

So my points are:
You are black listed for Naval means you cant play on it.
You were asked to get off the character so you could carry on playing as a CT
You refused to get off it

So you sealed your own fate really by not listening and thinking this was a 'gotcha moment' which it really wasnt. It was a fair ban to someone.

Rick did a good job!

Edited by Moose_Wundo
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Veteran Admin

For anyone interested aswell if you go to 55 minutes you can see Atomic attempting to RDM for about 2 minutes so thats good evidence as you were on the Naval cadet whitelist :hide:

At 2 hours cause I'm only skimming through this you were told you were on the intercom which is intercom abuse, as you are a cadet and need training so shouldn't be touching anything and you know that.

At 2:05 you were told you were blacklisted as well so that was your opportunity to get off the character and query as to why.

Rather then accepting it or rather get off the character and challenge you just continued to play on naval? 

Hope this helps people as well as my above statement

Edited by Moose_Wundo
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Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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Head Admin

Thanks for the report! 

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