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Torrent Company Bonuses

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Name: Squid

RP Rank: Warrant Officer

Suggestion: Tech Bonus for Torrent Company

Implementation: Simply a document change for nine lore characters.

Lore: Torrent Company is already the tech team of the 501st and we have a lot of tech based RP that we do. I think that, our necessity stems from this as a team that works with tech quite a bit.

Description: Torrent Company is known for being very tech based, and we have a good amount of tech within our tryout, events, and other parts. I think that we should 100% have the tech bonus because of our usage of tech and we have the 332nd that have an extra +5 to EOD and I think simply a +5 for Tech would work, as we don't need much of a bonus to our tech simply because we aren't specialized so heavily into it like Rancor. I think that we are specialized enough beyond normal troopers though, that we need at least a +5 as a lore subunit with limited slots. I don't think it will injure or hinder tech RP at all if 9 Lore Characters who are known for out of the box thinking and being intelligent have a +5 to tech.

spacer.pngThe One, The Only, The Squid

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if im not mistaken bonuses come from the trainings you host. TECH Bonus currently goes to ARC and RANCOR. 

501st has an EOD bonus. 

While i get the idea of wanting to swap it around due to preference its much easier to keep track of battalion wide bonuses just via trainings they can host .

-1 from me. would cause too much confusion and rearranging something thats already been changed so many times before

i think @Marvelwould love doing this all over again

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Veteran Admin

If 501st already had EOD they don't need anything else! You be alright without tech bonus ngl

Not like there is much TECHRP going on anyway 

Edited by Stormzy
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Veteran Admin

-1 No real reason for a TECH bonus its not the focus of 501st

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15 hours ago, IamSquid said:

Torrent Company is known for being very tech based


Edited by Bacta



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  • Director

As Mystic stated bonuses applies to those that are activley doing trainings in those fields and since 501st is associated with EOD and not Tech this will be denied.



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  • Director

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

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  • Not providing sufficient information.
    • Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
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