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(waived) Hex Governor App

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Steam Name:ninjakiller86

RP Name Hex

RP Rank:Guild Lead

Steam ID:76561198122573106

Why should you become Governor?:
As many people can see we need more leadership in the guild side. I want to expand the guild as much as i can with the best of my ability. I love Guild side of the Civilian faction as it holds more action and RP then the senate side. I can see great potential for the hunters. With the help of the leadership under me the guild will be great and big again.

Availability: during the day but not from 10pm to 8am CST SUN and Mon during the day on TUE (my work schedule could change anytime i keep it updated)

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server: Well i have came up through the rank don't have much to go by
Guild EVAL- 1 mouth Exp
Guild Marshal-2 mouth EXP
Guild LT- 2 Weeks of EXP
Guild Lead- 1 mouth EXP
When i became Lead i worked with super and mystic on getting a new roster update. we brought new rules for making bounties for Marshals+. Then with help of
Maverick help we begun the base raiding system. On which depending on what happened we reward players by paying them renown by being there even if the hunters lost the raid. And brings more fun for the GAR side then just a simple CIS attack. As lead am still changing stuff around and improving the guild as we need too.

What do you feel the role of the Governor is?:
a leader to look up to if any problems come up
someone to be a connection for the guild and the senate
make sure that the leadership is in check and doing their jobs
make sure that the rules are being fallowed in the guild

Do you have a microphone?:yes

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:yes

How do you plan to improve relations between the citizen faction and the server?: I been talking to blaze the current vice chairman and we have an idea to bring in representatives for the guild in the senate for more rp. Kinda like the senators for each planet. i want to allow more contracts for the clans or individuals to make for each battalion. So they can see that not all hunters are bad.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term?yes

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Head Admin

I am voiding my HC vote for this by commenting most likely, but I has a series of concerns and questions.


In my interactions with you there have been an extremely low amount of positive ones. Just today there has been an instance of you not knowing the rules properly and disputing them in a very unprofessional manner even when it was addressed to avoid miscommunication. I also don’t believe you currently have a good understanding of what the position of Governor is supposed to be. You write in your application almost exclusively, with the exception of the last paragraph, about the Guild making this seem more of a Guild Leader application. I also don’t see any concrete plans on what you are wanting to achieve in this position.


So, because I am willing to give u the benefit of the doubt, please answer the following questions:


1. What do you actually think the Governor does? Seeing as this is a High Command position (RCMD) on the faction side.

2. What do you feel like your responsibilities are towards the civilian faction?

3. Are you aware at all that the senate is part of the civilian faction? And if so, what are your plans, current problems within it, and possible solutions for it?

4. What are problems the guild is facing currently and how do you plan to address these issues?

5. Is there any sort of other solution you have for the relations with the guild/senate other than contracts as they are very limited and have certain criteria (I.E. A BCMD)


I have a lot more questions, but for me and maybe for some others, let’s start with these so you can offer some more clarification on your application!

  • Informative 3

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Veteran Admin

Hex as of right now I am going to have to -1 this.  This application is extremely bare bones and is missing a lot of information.

Under Experience you should write some of the things you have worked toward/accomplished when you are/were those ranks.

Under why you should be Governor you should write down what your plans for the future are. How will you help improve the RP of both the Senate and the Guild as Governor. You say you "see potential" write down some of the potential improvements that you can think of.

And please fix some of your spelling mistakes please. I will change my vote if you can make these strong additions


Current: Battalion Commander Fox
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny

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Very bad application. Also I disagree with some of the recent policies you have implemented. It seems you have only done things to make it look like you are making a difference. But there hasn't been any testing phases or anything for what you have done. Your time as Guild Lead is comparable to your predecessor. One in which the rest of leadership carries the weigh of the faction. I would consider voiding and looking back on things that worked and things that haven't. Cause right now it seems you are lost.


Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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GM Leadership

Im going to ignore the comments on a short app. That being said the information in the app is either vague or lacks a lot of details in really anything. That being said I don't think this run is the right time. I would encourage you to expand you time or experience and really think it out! However -1

Edited by Crimson



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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  • Director

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Winner 1
  • Based 1



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