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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - (Noble) Staff Re-Application


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RP Name: Noble/ 332nd SGM Noble

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58082724

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 30... Fuck me, I'm old I know

Timezone: EST

What was your previous staff rank?: HA

Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

Why did you leave the staff team?: With personal issues with both mental health and my taking job me to varying countries, HC and myself at the time saw fit I resigned and took time to myself.

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Honestly, I miss creating challenging simulations for everyone to compete in and do. I miss helping out the community behind the scenes and would like to get back into it. It's been great playing these recent weeks and connecting with both old and new friends again. As well as being able to help the community, it helps in greater strides to assist both 501st and the jedi order by being able to place dupes, spawn droids, tryouts etc., As well I believe you can never have to many people around to help in that aspect.

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): Overall I believe my time went relatively well, I helped decently with both the GM and recruitment programs. It may of gotten a little rocky towards the end but hey, its been 3 almost 4 years since then. Through that time iv reflected and I see Alotta things different than I did back then.  Conclusively I feel I could've done worse, but at the same time I could've done better.

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

Man Of The Past

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Veteran Admin


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Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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Veteran Admin



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Head Admin

You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team!


Current: RAT
Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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