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[Denied] [CW] Chris Ban Appeal

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Name: Chris
Steam ID:
76561198038938280 | STEAM_0:0:39336276
Ban Reason: MRDM
Date of Ban: 01/02/2023
Length of Ban: 5 days
Staff Member(s) Involved: Mello?
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: Me and a friend in our battalion were waiting for a trooper to come train someone new. After the Deathmatch in SIM A ended we were messing around with each other doing our own little death match in the bunks. An admin (Mello? i think his name was) came in and instantly banned all 3 of us, the new recruit who didnt do anything, myself, and one of our other battalion members. I did not even get a warning, just a straight 5 day ban.
Evidence to support your claims: Cory was there.

Edited by Rohan
Added SteamID32 for easier check
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From what I have seen, he is a pretty good trooper in RP and having fun with others. I have no doubt that he was just messing around with friends and didn't realize the consequences. I believe that this is a great learning experience and he could flourish into something better. 

Me personally, I think that he has done a model job of what people can have fun doing, this is just a slight misstep in what he wants to do. 

He can improve

Current: 212th Ghost Company MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3, Ghost Company XO/Lead

Commander of Wooley Company


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Head Admin

@Cucumber Ths was your ban, any other relevant information?

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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6 minutes ago, Rohan said:

@Cucumber Ths was your ban, any other relevant information?

Yes, so I was standing around in the bunks hallway when a CT came up to me and said Chris and the other guy that was banned were shooting him. The CT then walked back into there bunks where he was gunned down by both of them. I then checked logs and I can't remember the exact number but they were in the double digits with there kills. They should know better than to be doing that, bunks or not, messing around or not it was MRDM X10+ on a new member of the server that asked you to stop. 

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
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Head Admin
1 hour ago, Mystic said:


One of the first things you learn loading into the server is "Never shoot another brother" except in SIMs. 

The SIM ended. You killed someone who asked you to stop. That should be warning enough. Anyways a sit should've been done but x10+ is wild. 

What was the differentiating factor between this ban appeal and this most recent one? 


  • Informative 1

       Zeros          Clutch



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19 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

What was the differentiating factor between this ban appeal and this most recent one? 


changed my mind 
(Though granted i attempted to change this one to a -1 based off future context but it was already accepted by the time i had thought on it)

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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I'd +!1 this Chris is a good member of 212th who just made a poor decision. While i'd say give him a chance I would reccomend in game diciplinary measures are taken within the battalion to ensure future mistakes do not occur. -Ssgt Cor

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+1 give this man a chance to learn, keep it to the Sim rooms and contact a SGT+ To Claim the Sim room for you and activate the sim so you can fuck about in there

Current Lore Character: N/A

Lore Characters Played: Hardcase x2 Tiplar Ridge x2 Fives Maze

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Head Admin

The ban timer already ran out, I am just putting it in denied since there's not reason to keep this up for now.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Head Admin

Unfortunately your ban appeal has been DENIED.

For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or any Director+.


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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