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Patrick's/Appo Battalion Commander Rex application


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Steam Name: Providence,FireDeath66

RP Name:  501st CMD Appo/Patrick

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):  STEAM_0:0:30674711

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 501st Legion BCMD Rex


501st Legion

  My first and only battalion I joined since the first day of Synergy Roleplay. Ever Since then It’s been one hell of a adventure. Throughout the summer I worked my rank to a TR3 (Private at that time) through a CSM. I faced the hell of what it was like having a inactive battalion commander during that time and eventually through hardwork and dedication to the battalion I eventually became the SMB (Warrant Officer) of the 501st. To some battalions the SMB rank was a junior officer but in the 501st It’s one of the most important because he was in charge in all the NCO’s . Woenynd Jackson informed me that my SMB era of the battalion was when I was at my pinnacle moment but in my opinion i was not doing enough, if anything it was a massive wake up call. Being an SMB was short lived because eventually I was promoted to a 2nd LT, My officer era in the 501st was mostly administrative work, had to evaluate each NCO’s, look for potential troopers that were dedicated, and dealt with the problem of the battalion. Then comes my Captain era which eventually was short lived because after a week or two of being a captain I was quickly promoted to the rank of Commander which was unexpected.

Commander Appo

 Alright After being unexpectedly promoted to the Commander position in the 10/02/17 , This was one of my best era as a member of the 501st. Many of our officers during the time and till this day are extremely close and dedicated to the battalion, Jackson and the rest of the commanders including me appointed the best people to become officers in the 501st and I will even call them my brothers. My main goal as the Commander  was to overseer each and single one of our officers and to organize the battalion so that our troopers can have a fun in this battalion and not to be concerned of anything else. The current goal til this day until I resign, is to make sure this battalion does not go through what I went through in my NCO era where we did not had a Anakin or Ahsoka, and a Battalion Commander that was barely on. The one thing I want to teach my troopers during my commander era is to make them have the mindset that we can do better. To promote humbleness, patience, and discipline. These ideals is what I think make a great leader and a great figure for people to look up upon. This is what I learn as my experience as a commander.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

 I Wish to become the Battalion Commander because many of my men and troopers would believe that I would make a great Rex. Being a commander made me realize something about this battalion which is “We are a family”. Woeny and Jackson told me that I needed to step up my game now for awhile and I believe it’s time. I want to be the BCMD for my battalion because many people have faith in me and I can't disappoint them again.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?

Yes I understand the vast lore of Rex and the 501st. The 501st legion is one of the most famous clone battalion during the Clone Wars. Known for there unique tactics under the leadership of there famous Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, they are one of the most feared during the Clone Wars.

The most famous clone trooper in the 501st is CT-7567 also known as “Rex”. He is the right hand man of Anakin Skywalker and serves as his second in command. Rex is also the leader of Torrent Company a elite company of 501st troopers known for there popular named clone troopers in the Clone Wars Series such as Five’s, Echo, Hardcase, etc. Rex is known for his independent thinking which made him stood out among his brothers, being trained by Alpha-17, During his gruesome training he met CC-2224 known as “Cody” who was the leader of the 212th Battalion. Because of this friendship the 501st Legion and 212th Battalion are known for there unique team work with each other during operations.

Availability: Here is my current schedule, I Will always be on Teamspeak and Discord

Monday  5:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific
Tuesday  5:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific
Wednesday  5:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific
Thursday  5:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific
Friday  5:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific
Saturday  1:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific
Sunday 1:00 PM Pacific - 12:00 AM Pacific

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

My total hours in Gmod as of today is 716 hours. Synergy Roleplay is my first and only Star Wars RP server and I have over 600 hours in Synergy Roleplay. The rest of the 116 hours goes to other GMOD servers and mods like TTT or zombie survival.

Do you have a microphone?:  Yes!, Loud and Clear HQ!.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want the 501st battalion to be a balance of fun and a serious battalion . It's only a game and of course I want the 501st members to feel comfortable everytime they join the teamspeak and be one of the most serious when needed to be during events. I want us to be a balanced battalion in terms of numbers and experience.

Along with these goal’s another objective I want the battalion to accomplish is to improve its relationship with other battalions in Synergy Roleplay.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I fully understand that this position takes a lot of time and I witness what will happen to the battalion, If its battalion leader becomes inactive. If i fail or am unable to uphold my responsibilities as Rex then I will happily resign.

Edited by Patrick
Spelled Woeny wrong
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  • Coordinator

+1 To this man Aswell along with Nyx he has shown dedication to the battalion and has been an amazing  cmd with the 501st  hard choice between Nyx and Patrick Wish you both best of luck

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As Senior AD Brigade Commander you receive my official +1 i feel you are the best fit for the position of Rex good luck on your application and hopefully future interview

  • Agree 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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