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Name: Drone

Who helped (If applicable): Shade, STEAM_0:0:88765992 (Jake)

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A Strange Portal Ripped Open Inside The Morgue, Stepping Out Was A Heretic Of The Cult Known As Truth Flanked By There Hoards Of "Perfection". After Being Engaged The Cultist Withdrew Threw The Portal Being Followed By A Group Of People Including A Jedi General, After This Group Entered The Portal Sealed But For Only A Brief Time As It Opened Once More To Show None Had Returned. After A Few Attempts A True Demorn Of Plague Leaped From The Portal Later Being Slane By A Group Of 5 Padawan's. Apon The Death Of The Demorn The Heretic Showed Itself Within The Temple Saying That The Jedi Needed To Kill The Other To Leave, After Refusing They Where Engaged By A Shard Of Lord Falmor Resulting In There Death. After They Passed The Last Pillar In The Morgue Exploded Revealing A Second Shard Of Falmor That Attempted To Cure The Flesh In The Area Fading After Being Slain By Master Yoda...

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
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3/5/5 - One of the main difficulties with running such isolated and detailed events is keeping the rest of the server entertained. It is on both the GM to keep the players invested and the Players to want to remain invested by doing their own RP. In this situation an additional helper to spawn NPCs or an EJ to entertain while the Player base while more serious RP was happening would have greatly helped in this event.

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