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happy the new admin

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RP Name:TR 2ndAC HTT CSM Happy

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79533270

Staff member you are reporting:Happy

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable):STEAM_0:0:79533270

Staff Members Wrong-Doing:Admin-cloaking during event.

Explain the situation:Happy was using cloak during a event without being a event job or supporting the event at the moment. and was told by others that they have said to him that he is still cloaked and he still refused to uncloak after being notified of his cloaking. was also in his 2ndAC trooper.

Evidence (If applicable):

REC. (11).mp4

Edited by shadowking157
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Tbh this looks like a misunderstanding and happy probably didn't know the command to uncloaked so he didn't know he was still cloaked this honestly seems like something you could have talked to him about rather then file a staff abuse report

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1 minute ago, Mike said:

Tbh this looks like a misunderstanding and happy probably didn't know the command to uncloaked so he didn't know he was still cloaked this honestly seems like something you could have talked to him about rather then file a staff abuse report

he did know he was cloaked he was told by other player that he is cloaked.

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Yes I'm saying he probably didn't know the command to uncloak and I'm still saying it would have been better to take him to a room in TS and talk to him about it rather then file a report like this but that's my opinion

Edited by Mike
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5 minutes ago, Mike said:

Yes I'm saying he probably didn't know the command to uncloak and I'm still saying it would have been better to take him to a room in TS and talk to him about it rather then file a report like this but that's my opinion

that is true i could have pulled him in a room but he was told too many times that he is cloaked and was acting as if he didnt know i cought him red handed and i dont like people that use admin powers for there owne selfish need.

Edited by shadowking157
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Sometimes you simply forget that you are cloaked and during events, especially when you are around a lot of people, it can be very difficult to hear anything like someone trying to tell you you are cloaked. I've done it before I've seen it happen to plenty of people. This just seems like a misunderstanding and kind of turning into a witch hunt. And after watching the recording and reading what you said I don't see any actual wrong doing and I don't see him being warned or told to uncloak but that's my input. -1

But since you seem to need an explanation so badly I'll just use my magical powers of communication and call upon@212th Happy so he can hopefully explain his side.

Edited by Egg
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  • Retired Founder

Myself or another HA will speak with Happy when he is available to talk for his side of this, though I will admit even I accidently left cloak on during an event once when I was an admin, I deactivated it faster but that was because I was lucky enough to realize it in time, as long as his intent was not malicious this should be a simple talk to him explaining that he needs to be more careful with cloak.

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5 hours ago, shadowking157 said:

that is true i could have pulled him in a room but he was told too many times that he is cloaked and was acting as if he didnt know i cought him red handed and i dont like people that use admin powers for there owne selfish need.

From what ours saying it sounds as though he didn’t have malicious intent or a selfish need, from how you worded it it just seems like he didn’t uncloak just in my opinion though -1

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  • Retired Founder

I spoke with Happy and his cloak key was right next to his flashlight key, he had no idea he was cloaked until he got to ER where he finally heard a trooper tell him he was cloaked and he immidiantly uncloaked. There was no harmful intent with this, just an honest mistake, I of course told him to be a little more careful with this cloak key being where it is but otherwise he is in no trouble.

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