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Topic of discussion: Crafting and Economy

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So here is the question I pose to all of you.

do you want to see a crafting system on server? If so what for, guns, consumables, ammo, etc…? 

How in-depth would you want a system like this? Do you just want a very basic 1+2+3=6 or do you want sub components that need other machines or something to be crafted first? 

personal the more in-depth one would be my go too but nothing crazy but with a few things here and there would be nice for guns. I also think that drugs/consumables that provide buffs etc should also be a thing maybe either with a life use or timed etc. 

please keep the discussion civil and whatnot thanks for your opinion and comments in advance.

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Definitly something nice to add, even if it just starts as a basic system and over time changes to a more complex one, it would be cool to have on the server

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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I would love to see a system like this implemented! Like Seabass said even if its just a basic one at first it would be really nice and something to do when events and encounters are not happening. Also will give people another reason to log on every day and play even in down time.


I think the idea of crafting guns is cool but I feel like with all the perma weapons already bought and such it might not work? Not sure tho. The thought of crafting like something you can wear seems cool or like a little effect around you or something.

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I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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  • Management

How can I craft some bitches tho

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i am literally captain tukk

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Head Admin
24 minutes ago, Cox said:

I think it would be cool to have a last of us type system where you can make attachments like scopes or extended mags 

Weapon modifiers would be nice as well, like recoil reducer or damage boost

  • Agree 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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