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FBG - Lore Team (Siege)


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Name: Dono

Who helped (If applicable): No one
(Katy, Brian, Day, Zen)

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): factory go boom. Control ship go boom.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:


New & Experimental AAR system! Please rate using this scale (And give us feedback on the actual rating scale! This is not the new official AAR system, and we are testing it with events like these.)

Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)

How would you rate the Gameplay in this event? How would you rate the overall Care and Effort put into this event?

How would you rate the server Performance of this event? (was there lag? Low Ping? etc) (If you can't read the pic!)


Edited by Dono


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  • Founder

9/10 Extremely put together. Super fun!

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Absolutely stellar job with this one fellas.  An event like this makes me extremely excited for these Lore Events!


5/5/5  Keep up this amazing work.  The first dupe had me absolutely stunned with how nice it was , 2nd one was still pretty good. That first one was amazing.

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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First time with the new rating system, so i'm actually gonna rate for the first time in forever.

How would you rate the Gameplay in this event?

3/5. This event was at its core just a shoot'em up. No interaction with PC's or the map in really any form outside of blowing stuff up at the end of each map. That being said, the long series lore you're setting up, the briefing, and the placement and usage of maps to create a story was superb. Are far as shoot'em ups go, this is about as good as you can do, however without RolePlay interaction you can not really go higher. I'm still trying to figure out how i would want to rate these long term, and if this could be a 4/5, but i'll stick with a 3/5 for now.

How would you rate the overall Care and Effort put into this event?


The dupes where quite good, and the story is obviously very clearly thought out throughout the entire creation of this story line of the clone wars. However one big thing I want to hit as a negative is a lack of proper use of roleplay interaction on even a very basic level. You could have easily done some small additional tweaks to include simple hacking rp to get into the numerous bases, perhaps included geonocian lore jobs that surrender and we have to deal with. Something small like that that pushes it into the next level.

How would you rate the server Performance of this event?


The first 10-15 minutes of the first map where really rough. I don't quite know what it was about it that made it bad as it was just droids, however that doesn't take away from the fact that it happened and was bad. From there that map was fine. Additionally the second map was also fine. Really only the start.


Notes for this rating system.

I don't feel like it quite encompasses all that could be said about event. i feel like this outline would be good for main server or shoot'em ups, but if this was a heavy roleplay event where you have a lot of interaction I feel like you could include some more, perhaps having two metrics for more RP vs more Shoot'em up events, or a bank of questions for the GM's to choose from as they kind of decide what type of event they're hosting. Gameplay of the event is kind of all encompassing and i don't quite know if thats a good thing or not.


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