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Change The Rule of "No BHs On Venator"


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So, this is my idea for allowing bounty hunters onto venator, as closing off an entire paid faction for an entire weekend is not only a very horrible move in terms of server population. but also, a huge middle finger to those of us who main Bounty Hunter. Some of us Are busy during the weekdays and can't hop on. and we look forward to hopping on during the weekend only to be told "Get bent, we're on venator". We shouldn't be forced to play as something we don't want to play as, that's extremely discouraging and not a very good way to go about treating supporters of the server. 

And before you say. "It would make no sense." Yea, well neither does having every Famous battalion, Special forces unit, Jedi General or Senator on one venator makes sense either. 

However, I'm not an idiot, just allowing BHs on board with no restriction would be chaotic and hostile BHs would go wild. So, I propose this rule

"Bounty Hunters are allowed on Board, however. under no circumstance will any Hostile aligned bounty or action against the republic be carried out while the venator map is currently occupied." this would allow Friendly Bounty Hunters to Continue to follow their contracts with their Employers. and allow neutral BHs to carry out Friendly aligned bounties. the only ones affected are hostile clans. who would simply have to switch to friendly or neutral aliases, and not carry out any hostile action until back on Anaxes.

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Honestly seeing bounty hunters casually walk around a republic milatary ship makes about the same sense as seeing bounty hunters walk around a republic military base, so I don't think it would be such a stretch to let them come. It seems to me like the reason they were really banned was just because it was the easiest thing to do as having to rewrite all the rules and restrictions for BHs with the venator in mind, where they can't be anywhere on the map but the republic controled areas, so if this is a solution that BHs find works then definitely +1, I personally don't have much of an opinion on the specific way you're suggesting to implement as I've never got involved with BH but if people who play BH are all for it then so am I.

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Why tf cant you upload images to forums this shit dumb asf

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2 hours ago, Brian-Limmon said:

Honestly seeing bounty hunters casually walk around a republic milatary ship makes about the same sense as seeing bounty hunters walk around a republic military base, so I don't think it would be such a stretch to let them come. It seems to me like the reason they were really banned was just because it was the easiest thing to do as having to rewrite all the rules and restrictions for BHs with the venator in mind, where they can't be anywhere on the map but the republic controled areas, so if this is a solution that BHs find works then definitely +1, I personally don't have much of an opinion on the specific way you're suggesting to implement as I've never got involved with BH but if people who play BH are all for it then so am I.

RP wise they make the same sense, but where do we spawn, if we spawn outside the ship (Which would make sense) What would the spawn be, how many props would it be, how do we enforce that people don't be hostile other than dealing out blacklists (which as a Guild LT, I don't want to do because we already have enough rule misconceptions on the regular base), and What do we define as hostile (Very different in the eyes of some people)? Also the only way I could possible see this working is contracted BHs as well who would just spawn in CT bunks and can go on the ship as they normally would except they spawn on base.

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3 hours ago, Dezzhu said:

 the only ones affected are hostile clans. who would simply have to switch to friendly or neutral aliases, and not carry out any hostile action until back on Anaxes.

I fundamentally disagree with this because of this bit right here. Hostile clans/hostile action is a big part of the BH faction's purpose and functionality in the server- the fact that people are kept on their toes by the mere existence of some bounty hunters is a good thing in my opinion- it shifts some of the weight of entertainment and creating RP off of the back of the GM team, which is worked pretty hard as is by heavy expectations both from our leadership and the playerbase. 

There's also something missing here, which is the fact that a big part of even friendly BH RP is their interactions with hostile clans/hunters- people sell eachother out, scheme against eachother, make pacts, pay for bounties and assistance, report things to the republic, et cetera. 

The bottom line is, 2 days is a minimal amount of time to be away from a character. Speaking as one of the few people on the server who plays their BH character as a main, I can say in confidence that sure, while it's not the best to not have the option to do it for 2 days, there are so many other avenues of having fun on the server like the other VIP factions. Added on to that, there's the fact that when you return from a break (any break, be it 2 weeks or 2 days), you are more likely to have more fun for longer doing anything on Synergy. That's one of the reasons I enjoy the Venator rotation so much; a break from Anaxes, any break at all, makes me appreciate and enjoy Anaxes so much more. 

If the only thing you enjoy on Synergy is playing a Bounty Hunter Character, I get that. It's fun. But you've also got to realize there is a tiny amount of people who feel the same way. Almost every single other person has chosen other avenues during those 2 days, and to figure out the logistics of allowing BH on the Venator (effectively just for those people) honestly would not make sense. That's in my opinion.

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not too fond of the idea. It's not every weekend we go to the venator, plus I have a few concerns.

For one, there isn't a place for them. Unlike Anaxes which has a village, plenty of space outside the base, and several other planets, there's no space for bounty hunters on a Republic ship like that. Realistically, everyone who played BH would be stuck on the ship. What if they didn't have a base pass? Where would they take their bounties to? If they were to run away after doing a contracted kill bounty, where would they run and hide to? If we suddenly allow BHs on the Venator, we'd have to accommodate them by giving them their own ship, or something similar. We'd have to make a huge section on a map that we use once a month for two days.

While I do sympathize with the BH mains, having them on a ship just doesn't make sense. It's two days where you have to do something different. Now, if it were every weekend I'd probably think it was worth it, but it's a lot of effort for a map used two days of the week, a total of less than 48 hours.

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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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No. As the literal BH main of the server, Bounty Hunters have ZERO reason to be on a Republic Venator. Not to mention, you can make all the rules and restrictions you want, but idiots will still be idiots and SHOULD someone get in trouble, it makes the Guild look bad. On top of that, I get cranky because it then becomes my problem when it doesn't even need to happen in the first place

On 2/18/2022 at 8:29 PM, Dezzhu said:

the only ones affected are hostile clans. who would simply have to switch to friendly or neutral aliases, and not carry out any hostile action until back on Anaxes.

This is extremely subjective since 1/3 of the Guild is hostile, and you are essentially giving them the middle finger by not allowing them to RP as THEY want to, but instead forcing then into a way of thinking if they want to be on the job. Something Guild Leadership HEAVILY avoids

  • Agree 2

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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