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Ghost/OG Mereel's Staff APP

Mereel Odinson

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RP Name: 2NDAC MED 2LT Ghost

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:55861051




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):To help the players of the server have an enjoyable experience, one that will make them tell their friends about our gaming community. I want to stop minging and resolve disputes or problems at the start, so it doesn't get out of hand and to the point that people are demoted or banned. I want to work my way up through the chains to get to game maker and have the ability to make fun events for everyone to join. I enjoy building in GMOD too and would love to have the capabilities to do this for players that aren't staff or have difficulties in building. I am not afraid to speak my mind to anyone if I see fail RP or disrespect, regardless of position or experience on the server. I'm 22 and in the military and can bring a mature mind and a thinking outside of the box attitude to the staff time to help make it better then it already is.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I'm an airplane mechanic in the air force and enjoy video games more then social interactions so playing on here is more exciting for me. I love star wars and started playing on Icefuse over 2 years ago and synergy when it first came out. I've been off and on sometimes, but I have stuck to this gaming community and game mode since the start.

Do you have any previous staff experience:I was an EA on icefuse for a couple of months and staffed for around 4-5 on there. I know the ins and outs of it and how to handle myself in any staff situation and know how to resolve thing without the need of a higher up.

I got recommended by Billiam, Forseen and Zander to join, so I decided to make this to help their endeavors in future times.


ALSO, I just recently go back into the server 2 weeks ago and play more at night and early in the morning, so please do not -1 just because you don't see me in the afternoon because I have work. Look at my steam profile and you will see I have close to 100 hours on gmod in the past 2 weeks

Edited by Ghost Odinson
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