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Z-6I Doesn't Always Shoot


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Bug Type (Server:): CWRP

Severity level (1-3): 1

Evidence (if you can):  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/327647176392179713/889313161411440721/video0.mov

Description of the bug: Sometimes the Z-6i Doesn't shoot, despite being off safety and on full auto. Its pretty easy to get out by re safetying and safetying again or by reloading, but it can be quite annoying.

How can we recreate it: The bug is kind of hard to recreate. I can't tell what causes it I keep testing different things. Usally related to safetying/unsafetying/switching guns. According to Marshh it also effects the regular Z-6. Curious if others that have access to the gun have noticed this as well.


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2 hours ago, Taz said:

Z6 has always done this. The trick is to just press E+R, it doesn’t safety the gun but it’ll click and it fixes it.

I'mma be real, with the amount of money i've put into getting this gun I want it to work without any issues.


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