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Bacta-Side story fo the 10 year gap


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Wanna start if off that my wife loved watching this event. So you get bonus wife points bacta.

The good, YOU DID THE FUCKING TERMINALS YES. Lore, even those small little things gives us a thing to search for and enjoy. Even the little nonimportant things put a weight into the world that you don't usually get with events. Crafting a world like you're starting to do is a step above game master. You're trying to get the title of story crafter, because thats what this is now.

For the bad, boy was that first map fucking barren. We landed and went inside. No fight to the base, no struggle to get inside, a bit of struggle inside which was good, but landing us on the other side of the map, throw in 25 large props, make us fight our way to the base, adds a bit more length, and a bit more action that isn't that corner crowded hallway area.

Then the map change, excellent use of it, great change of scenery, didn't take long to set up.

For the last part we really got to shine as players here. We got a very interesting section to roleplay and how each person could react. I'm very curious what would have happened if deku had died here instead of calling for help. Would have been great. Was fun killing people.

Edited by Conrad
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8/10 I only saw a few parts of it since I had to go AFK but it was pretty nice and was a good side event from the 212th and SO BDE storyline. 501st is probably very confused, but that's probably what you're going for.

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Jedi Youngling

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9 minutes ago, Conrad said:

Wanna start if off that my wife loved watching this event. So you get bonus wife points bacta.

The good, YOU DID THE FUCKING TERMINALS YES. Lore, even those small little things gives us a thing to search for and enjoy. Even the little nonimportant things put a weight into the world that you don't usually get with events. Crafting a world like you're starting to do is a step above game master. You're trying to get the title of story crafter, because thats what this is now.

For the bad, boy was that first map fucking barren. We landed and went inside. No fight to the base, no struggle to get inside, a bit of struggle inside which was good, but landing us on the other side of the map, throw in 25 large props, make us fight our way to the base, adds a bit more length, and a bit more action that isn't that corner crowded hallway area.

Then the map change, excellent use of it, great change of scenery, didn't take long to set up.

For the last part we really got to shine as players here. We got a very interesting section to roleplay and how each person could react. I'm very curious what would have happened if deku had died here instead of calling for help. Would have been great. Was fun killing people.

Wife here...... 10/10 had a lot of fun watching 

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