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Name: Dono

Who helped (If applicable): Warmac, Shake, Jay

Event/Encounter Name: RCP!

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): none, all planning was done in game pre event with paper notes

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): RCP-173 was transported on base by a Republic Task Force. These troopers briefed naval pre arrival on suitable holding areas for the classifed package and naval decided where to hold the package. ----- when the hmc went out, the statue killed around 8 ppl throughout base who were separated or in the dark. After lights turned on the statue was IMMEDIATELY found in the BCC once again. The statue was recovered but players just started doing things from there without direct orders from naval- which spiraled into chaos causing people to be unsure what to do. Player lead rp brought the ending from a quick extract to a 25+ minute endeavor of playing around with the statue on base.


List of all player rp throughout the event: Naval chose where to hold the statue, Players decided if they would watch the statue attentively - they turned around collectively multiple times and even left the containment room at one point,  Naval was fully briefed before the event on the statue and throughout the event on its properties. All coordination after Naval disregarded the Event jobs (republic task force) was completely player rp. Everything after the lights turned on again was in the hands of players as the rp leaders in the event disregarded naval and their orders almost completely and everything fell to chaos. Everything after the lights turning on again was no longer controlled by the GM and was left to the players to RP it out... Event jobs informed rp leaders the route on how to end the event (transport the RCP to the next holding site). This is what occurred when player rp was free range.


Edited by Dono


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Didn't get to participate in most of it because I was forced to sit in HMC for the first half. Seemed like a cool idea but genuinely was ruined by players. The story was a little hard to follow at times and confused a lot of people. A huge lack of communication between the players. It looked like the GM or GH would give information to some players but they would fail to share that information with the rest of the players. 

Overall good idea, executed pretty alright, just a lack of communication between the players. Keep it up!


i am literally captain tukk

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I like the idea for the event but I don't feel like it presented was the way you intended it to be. Feel like it was more of an issue with player choice but overall I think it was really stretched out and longer than it should've been.

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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2 minutes ago, Marvel said:


Didn't get to participate in most of it because I was forced to sit in HMC for the first half. Seemed like a cool idea but genuinely was ruined by players. The story was a little hard to follow at times and confused a lot of people. A huge lack of communication between the players. It looked like the GM or GH would give information to some players but they would fail to share that information with the rest of the players. 

Overall good idea, executed pretty alright, just a lack of communication between the players. Keep it up!

The point of the communication was that Naval was fully briefed on everything entailing the statue from its first arrival to it how to handle it...... the idea was that it was a classified research project so regular troopers wouldnt really just be openly told every single thing about the statue either...... the people who NEEDED to know were informed in order to LEAD players properly.. from there it was all reliant on the players


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Just now, Clutch said:


I like the idea for the event but I don't feel like it presented was the way you intended it to be. Feel like it was more of an issue with player choice but overall I think it was really stretched out and longer than it should've been.

Sorry for it taking so long. I just completely left it to the players to rp it out because when we tried to get the leaders in rp to follow a certain route after the lights turned back on... they took it their own path... everything after the lights turning off was basically fully in control of the players in rp


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I would like to say that the event would not have been nearly as long if you listened to the advice given by Event Jobs like Zulu-6. A lot of the players decided to take things into their own hands and ignore the event jobs so that is what kept the event going after it was meant to end.

Battalion Commander Doom (Former)

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6/10 It was... alright. The statue was a cool idea but nothing was really done with it besides staring at it. I think more could've been done but I'm not sure if this idea functions as the main focal point of an event.


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I was not in game for this and for that reason I will not be leaving a number rating, just feedback based on from what I heard from the people playing the event in TS. From what I heard it seemed like this event was very good for the few players that were directly involved in it from the beginning and were the most closely involved to the RP. For the rest of the players, they were confused and kind of sat around wondering what was happening. Overall, just sounded like a cool event that not everyone knew how to participate in and since I was not in game I have no idea if that was your fault or the fault of the players. Also, sorry for GC tryouts delaying your event for so long.

  • Funny 1


Jedi Youngling

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