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Mitchell - Outbreak pt. 2


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Name: Mitchell

Who helped (If applicable): Snadvich, Jerry

Event Name: Outbreak pt. 2

Link to Event Document (optional): Due to the community meeting, the event was cut short. In essence, then captured council member from last event escaped containment and infected personnel on the ship, the ship's captain abandoned it after setting the HMC to detonate. The meeting started after they disabled the detonation sequence and the event ended there.




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6/10 I don't blame you for what I rate the event though. The idea of talking to trooper on board was really nice and added some extra RP. Overall the event was creative. A shame that we didnt have time to finish it, because of the meeting

Edited by Eagle


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8/10 I had fun, and it was nice to have an infected event with more thought put into it besides "turn color then quarantine them"

High Command really fucked you over though

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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8/10. Like mentioned above, the intractability and pacing felt pretty good. The only downsides were the lack of notice for 212th and abrupt ending, which you didn't have much control over unfortunately. 

Edited by Spieler

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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