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Lightsaber animations don't work clientside


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Bug Type (Server:): Animation

Severity level (1-3):1

Evidence (if you can): just my experience

Description of the bug: Lightsaber animations don't work. Both my player and other players appear to not have animations on my end.

How can we recreate it: idk

Before anyone asks, I've already tried

Restarting Gmod, Verifiying cache, deleting all addons/cache/lua folders, unstalling anything thats not from the server, restarted my pc. 

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I had this happen yesterday after a crash

Steps to take: 

Retry in console - Fixed mine
Restart GMOD -Reinitializes addons
Uninstall all addons and reinstall - fixes corrupt addons
@Hearttold me there is an addon that breaks wiltos or something so check for "Pills" or something
Delete Lua files - Fixes corrupt LUA files
Verify integrity of gmod - checks for corrupt game files
Complete uninstall and Reinstall GMOD - Last ditch effort to fix corrupt files

Do each one and check if its fixed, hopefully its easy like mine was

Edited by Logicless

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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1 hour ago, Logicless said:

I had this happen yesterday after a crash

Steps to take: 

Retry in console - Fixed mine
Restart GMOD -Reinitializes addons
Uninstall all addons and reinstall - fixes corrupt addons
@Hearttold me there is an addon that breaks wiltos or something so check for "Pills" or something
Delete Lua files - Fixes corrupt LUA files
Verify integrity of gmod - checks for corrupt game files
Complete uninstall and Reinstall GMOD - Last ditch effort to fix corrupt files

Do each one and check if its fixed, hopefully its easy like mine was


1 hour ago, Finn said:

Before anyone asks, I've already tried

Restarting Gmod, Verifiying cache, deleting all addons/cache/lua folders, unstalling anything thats not from the server, restarted my pc. 



I didn't catch any errors, but I can check again in a bit, see if I missed something.

Edited by Finn

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Alright, so I think I got it figured out. For some reason, and I don't know why, but my Gmod just didn't download one of the WiltOS addons (the Blade Symphony one, to be specific). I was subbed to it, and it said it got mounted, but no GMA was ever downloaded to any folder. Unsubbing and resubbing 2 or 3 times, forcing to file to download, seems to have fixed this issue. 

for reference, the error in the console was like 1 line

WorkshopDL: There is no file to mount for '893244794'!
WorkshopDL: Failed to read addon file for 'SH Whitelist Content' (1251198810)

It looked like this for me (not the right addon, just the first one I grabbed off my console for an example). 


This has been fixed for me. 

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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