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Max's Game Master Application


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Name: Max


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66685427


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 1,100 Hours (some was AFK lol) - This is a estimate bc no one knows how to find in game time


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I've been in a leadership role since last year and I have to make sure that my communication and my leadership is top of the line. I think I am doing a great job at that and the people around me think so too. I always make sure every time I bring up ideas I ask others for there options.  I always think about how my decisions will effect orders before I make them.


Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I understand


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

                                                                                                           BRIEF OUTLINE                            

Well senator RP has not been the best and as Palpy I would like to support those roles with a more political event. With this being said Senator Padmé Amidala would report to a neutral planet. Two separatist  senators would come as well with a (droid battalion) Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala  would try to make peace talks with the senators and a clone battalion (The corasunt guarded) would occupancy the senators. In the TV show this happened once that we know of. Peace talks is where both sides bring 3 senators into a neutral planet and they discuss peace terms with each other. These talks would last for about 20 IRL minutes for immersion purposes. Now while the senators are arguing a unknown clan that is wearing mandalorian armor crashes into the massive building. They are trying to make sure there is no peace or attempt of peace. The main reason why they will not allow peace is because they are smugglers,War lords and with this peace and the war coming to the end the republic and separatist would not be distracted anymore and the republic would resume duty of cleaning the galaxy of scum,pirates ect and it would ruin this clan and make them go back into hiding. Now at this moment the clones and the droids for the 1st time ever would work together to take out the threat (FYI In Peace talks both sides must agree to be neutral until they are off the planet) The rest of the battle would be player driven my hopes is the senators win and the Clan retreats for a Part II event but if not the senators would be taken hostage and brought back to the clans base for questioning this would also lead to a part 2.


                                                           Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Confederate–Republic_peace_conference




                                                             6 Commando droids (State Neutral) (E5 Blaster) (Armor 300)  (Health 800)

                                                             2 Sepertist senators (State Neutral) ( No Blasters) (Armor 50) (Health 350)

                                                             3 Clan Members (State Hostile) (Deathwatch Pistol) (Armor 350) (Health 750)

                                                             1 Clan Lieutenant (State Hostile) (Deathwatch Pistol) (Armor 400) (Health 750)



                                                                                        40 Deathwatch (State Hostile) (E5 Blaster)


                                                                                                                Planet used





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-1 is the gayest person I know, never helped me when I was a Game Master, shouldn't be staff, PERMABANNED.


But in all honesty, when I used to make good events back on Icefuse, Max helped me out a lot, and I know will be an amazing Game Master again with his pure RP skill.


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-1 fucking dumb ass worst builder fucking xDDDDD


i want to kill myself after that


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you don't even really need to read the staff app (i did tho) you know that max will be a great game master 


Also i would love to be a part of that event he described lol max, you should plan it for when im on xD



Edited by Hobo
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