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Why I'm retarded sometimes (personal)

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So I just wanted to explain why sometimes I minge a lot and act "retarded" as some people have said. So I have adhd which is not valed excuse as a lot of people have it. However I also have sensory processing disorder which from what I understand makes me. Not think before I act and makes it harder for me to focus. I do take medicene for this but in the early morning and late after noon it wairs off or I haven't taken it yet. So I just thought I would put this out there and please stop calling me retarded it hurts more then I show (you know who you are)

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8 minutes ago, Medic said:

I miss you son 

I've been meaning to hop on more often but my mic died 3 days ago while I was playing Overwatch so my boyfriend's mailed me an old headset they never opened


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14 minutes ago, Faoeoa said:

I've been meaning to hop on more often but my mic died 3 days ago while I was playing Overwatch so my boyfriend's mailed me an old headset they never opened


wait...what? are you implying what i think you are. (not that theres anything wrong with it)

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2 hours ago, Nightmare The Fan Fic God said:

Like Faoeoa I have LITERAL autism you just need to get thicc latinas and go with the flow

I...I...could not have said it any better, Nightmare...

I fucking love this kid.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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15 hours ago, Faoeoa said:

yeah faggot im bisexual


i love the way you decided to say it lmao

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Just now, Faoeoa said:

don't get me wrong i fucking love calling people faggots it's a FANTASTIC word


that it is, its really addicting to say when i type

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