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Merrill - 212th BOTW "Forest of Corpses"


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Hades, Jameson, Newt,  Gene, Rackarain

Event Summary: 212th are responding to a distress call on an Icy World from a detachment of their battalion. Upon arrival, no one has been able to achieve contact with an members of the troops that were once here.

Event Outcome: The base the 212th arrived to was in shambles, with damage all around. After some clues, they found the comms that allowed them to talk to a heavily injured 212th, before he died. He gave them the directions for the path to follow, leading them many, many deceased 212th, strung up like pigs from hooks. An unseen enemy claimed to be the cause for all this death, and left the 212th to fight their own lobotomized brothers, mutilated beyond recognition.

Type of Event: Mixed

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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10/10. I rarely give these.

This event didn't blow my mind or anything. But this is the stellar, prime example of a GOOD event. 


- Attention to detail

- Immersion (Music, RP/Lore reasons, successful atmosphere)

- Atmosphere included high detail of tension/scare factor -- everything from beautifully crafted mutilated ragdolls to fog editors to hinder view distance to totems/sacrificial areas.

- NPCs: Just the right difficulty. Headcrabs felt a bit too tanky (their hitbox is jank) but besides that -- the enemy amount and health/weapons were on point. NPC positions were GREAT. Above, below, behind.
- Event jobs: Jesus man, I want to try and save them. I was yelling to detain. But quickly I realized, it was us or them. Beautiful idea to have 212th event jobs who have been tortured to the point of hysteria to turn on us and fight us. I will say though they felt a bit tanky as well -- but hell, we had the numbers/jobs to deal with it. That wasn't a complaint.

- S P O O K Y

- Tripmines, booby traps, cave ins.... beautiful.

- Timing. Honestly, some events feel either too long or too short. You timed it just right.


- Really.... none.

- I fucking hate headcrabs btw.


Great event. Thank you.

Edited by Jagger
  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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