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Shaak Ti Tag


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 lName:Cannon|Shaak Ti


Suggestion: Create a Shaak Ti tag in Teamspeak


Where would this be implemented?: In the Teamspeak tag menu.


How would this benefit the TeamSpeak/Community?: First this is greatly assist all future Shaak Ti’s when it comes to talking to Battalions and their leaders by granting them bypass with the tag. This tag does not need bypass to any staff channel just the battalion channels to save time and prevent the endless PMs of asking for passwords just to discuss performance and issues. 


Have you asked for Feedback from others about this suggestion?:Yes it was passed through the council during the Wednesday meeting with zero issues.


Briefly explain why this should be implemented?:Shaak Ti is a big position that requires them to talk to a lot of people mainly BCMDs and Battalions as a whole. Having this tag would allow what the Regimental tag provided. The tag would ideally only provide a level of bypass to the Battalion channels along with the Jedi Channels. Due to Shaak Ti being such a vocal job having a level of Bypass makes talking to BCMDs and the Battalions a lot easier. Unfortunately having to PM every BCMD or someone to ask for a password gets old for people and I don't want to have to make people stop what they're doing just to respond to PMs. Having a level of bypass would avoid this problem and would prevent me from bothering every BCMD,XO,Commander just for a password.

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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2 hours ago, Regional said:

I mean just get a HA to give the Regimental tag 
but if it does go through let Mace + Yoda be able to take the tag away

High Staff took my Reg tag and suggested I do this instead

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I don’t believe having channel bypass will increase your ability to communicate efficiently...

If you need to talk to them use your channel? That you have Channel Admin in? Where you can move them? Or vice verse? They are BCMDs they have Channel Admin in their respective channels as well.

-1 pointless tag in my opinion


i am literally captain tukk

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idk why Yularen has a tag but Shaak Ti doesn't lmao 


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-1 Jedi HC already have two TS tags you don't need channel bypass, etc,for meetings.

BCMDs can move get you into their channels no problem and if you don't ask them before joining anyways whats the point of that?



23 minutes ago, Sixta said:

idk why Yularen has a tag but Shaak Ti doesn't lmao 


It's his BCMD tag

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11 hours ago, Cannon said:

First this is greatly assist all future Shaak Ti’s when it comes to talking to Battalions and their leaders by granting them bypass with the tag

Just message them outside of TS if you need to get in-contact with CO or batt leader. You're shaak ti, if they ignore you if you need/want to contact them they're absolutely retarded. Just don't be toxic towards them. If they ignore you then obviously go to their higher ups, etc etc. 
If its an on the spot thing, just poke a CO (or if the CO is an HA+, next closest so that they may inform the person).
BCMD can move people to their channel too.

There are a plethora of things Shaak Ti has in connection with other battalions, i feel bypass shouldn't be one of them. 
Sorry man -1

Edited by Scribbles
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35 minutes ago, Carter said:

-1 Jedi HC already have two TS tags you don't need channel bypass, etc,for meetings.

BCMDs can move get you into their channels no problem and if you don't ask them before joining anyways whats the point of that?



It's his BCMD tag

why does that get channel bypass tho? 


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Most BCMDs avoid Shaak Ti because of our radiating chad energy. Made it difficult establishing connections to battalions if a battalion hierarchy already dislikes you, having a super special tag will help with getting meetings with them by FORCE.


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1 hour ago, Sixta said:

why does that get channel bypass tho? 

I agree that it shouldn’t but really Admiral holds a lot more to it than Shaak Ti. It is applicable while Shaak Ti isn’t.

The Admiral tag lost its bypass not that long ago. Did it get it back?


i am literally captain tukk

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-1 I've been shaak ti and I never needed a bypass to hold a BCMD meeting or get in contact with one because a simple pm or poke works a lot better for both parties than barging into a channel. Or you know.... just find them ingame...

Edited by Mike
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25 minutes ago, Mike said:

-1 I've been shaak ti and I never needed a bypass to hold a BCMD meeting or get in contact with one because a simple pm or poke works a lot better for both parties than barging into a channel. Or you know.... just find them ingame...


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Admiral / Yularen has one TeamSpeak tag, and it's his "BCMD" tag for leading Base Ops/Naval - this is intended and serves as the only Base Ops "High Command" tag

In comparison, Jedi currently has 2 "High Command" tags (Yoda/Windu) -- so I'm not sure why people are questioning the existence of ONE Base Ops tag ( @ Sixta )

This tag (Admiral) has always existed, and I have not modified it recently in anyway. The only extra perms the Admiral tag has, is bypass channel passwords. I've never received any reports of Admirals abusing this, thus they've never lost it.

I also agree with the majority of the -1s --- you don't NEED bypass or a special channel to conduct meetings, you can literally hold them in-game, OR in either of the named Jedi Channels (Yoda/Windu) considering you probably have channel admin as Shaak-Ti

I'm still having a hard time seeing the justification that Shaak-Ti needs special/extra perms on teamspeak beyond channel admin/key - it also doesn't help that you & rose went directly to Korm to obtain REG TS tags instead of through the proper channels (Directors)

I'm leaving this thread up for a few days to gather additional feedback, but currently the majority is -1s

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