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Overriding 5+ Hours AFKer during Prime Time


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Name: Null-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Skirata

RP Rank: Lieutenant [Lorewise] (but Captain)

Suggestion: I am Suggesting that we allow Vet Admins+ to override the current rule that we have that forbids us to kick people that do not have 5+ hours during and ONLY Prime time hours in which the server is full. The Reason why I say "Override" is due to the fact that I am not trying to remove the AFK 5+ hour rule, but only trying to add a Exception to temporarily override it to the point where people who want to contribute to the server can get on rather than waiting 5 long hours in order to get a spot.  
I'm not saying go around and kick everyone within 5 secs of standing still, but rather go around (Specifically bunks and benches) and kick people who are clearly AFK after trying to make multiple attempts to contact them via their peers or TS. if no contact is made then they are free to be kick. This will allow the server to be freed up for those who truly want to play and/or do Staff work on the Server.

Implementation: Make this an Override Rule (or Exception) during the prime time hours when server is full.

Other: Or make it HA+ but if no HA+ are on then allow the Vet Admins to do it as they are responsible individuals and earned their position to be allowed to be given a simple task as this.


Edit: Adjusted Rank

Edited by XSilentJoe
  • Winner 1

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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4 minutes ago, XSilentJoe said:

RP Rank: [Redacted]

Bruh +1 Good luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Head Admin

beuh mega +1, it was just dumb yesterday night with the "No, wait for 5" shit while there were people with AFK in their name.

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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  • Retired Founder

I'm denying this suggestion due to the fact that it is common sense. If the server is full. Kick AFK's if its less than 5 hour players just ask for permission. If no HA is on or anyone of a higher rank, just do it.

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