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CWRP - (Holo's) Staff Application


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RP Name: Holo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96252878

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 14

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Well i want to help the community by taking tickets at night when there are little active staff if any and give people from the UK or night owls something to do at night since as i write this there are 50 people on the server and no staff currently active, i also want to say that i can be calm and quite patient with minges as 99% of my time on this server has been spent in shock, i also wish to become a GM once again as that would be the best way for me to express my creativity on the server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): well my name is robert im 14 will be 15 in august and i am a big fan of star wars and being a rule enforcer i have a passion for real life law enforcement and when i am old enough i plan to join the pasco sheriffs, i have been staff before on this server but i made a mistake and got blacklisted, i will leave it there i was stupid and frankly a brat (yes me and him are still friends) but i plan to not make such a mistake again and maintain my position in staff and hopefully become a GMO one day .

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  last time i checked it was 560 somethin so if i had to guess around 1000

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) no

Edited by Holo
Typo on age

Autism made me do it.

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I have seen you on your bad side and some people didn't like it and I saw you on a good side


  • Agree 1

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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Congratulations, you have been Accepted into the Staff Team.
You have passed the interview and you are now a New Admin.
Welcome to Hell!


// moved to "Accepted"


327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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