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June 1st is coming up lads


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Its that time of year lads, we're coming up to June 1st. 

And so the once promised map shall be coming out. They of course meant 2019 not 2018
We have all this to wait for:
- No god damn checkpoints
- More trees
- No Sith 
- A blue lake 
- 38th replacing 187th
- Jek and Billaim return
- Nightmare as Yoda
- Return of Egg to Gree
- Re-introduction of staff rank, OVERSEER

New Overseers:
Jefferson - Returning
Nightmare - Returning
Esitt - Returning 

Bringing back of TR clones ranks
TR3 replacing PVT
TR2 replacing PFC
TR1 replacing SPC

Making it so people actually RP on the server
- Stop saying OOC shit like Teamspeak

Jayarr returning to his developer spot

Sparks returning as Founder 

Bringing back old weapon system
2 million credit Z6

Old models will also bring back as to make the map look better in comparison. 

SMB also replacing W.O

Jax is also being banned 


Edited by Chop
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I am very happy to return as developer guys, I will make sure to delet-I mean create more beautiful content for you all

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1 minute ago, Bbstine said:

Ah yes. Dont forget SMB taking its rightful place back replacing WO

Ah yes, I forgot to log that on the Update log. Lemme just change that 

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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