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Baller's Admiral Application


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Steam Name: Baller

RP Name: Fleet Vice Admiral Baller

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:87442726

Battalion/Area you are applying for: Naval Fleet


I have been a naval ever since the first week that synergy switched to the venator map. I was one of the only naval that wasn't an officer when I joined, and I quickly proved that I was the quality of an officer to Forseen and Reptilia. After a few week of being in naval I was already a LTJG and the manager of flight operations. In that position I went to work helping Forseen completely reformat how flight operations worked, all of their documents and who was allowed to do what. I spent two weeks just redoing how flight ops worked and how we envisioned it to be. During that time I made documents that kept the branch organized and efficient. Not recently after I finished that Reptilia resigned and Forseen got admiral, from that I got commodore and then head of flight ops. I continued to work on the organization of flight ops and its efficiency. Not shortly after I was promoted to Rear Admiral, and I then opened myself to not only flight ops but naval as a whole, I began overseeing the recreation of all the branches documents, as well as I began work on the naval tryouts, forms to keep naval organized, and overall improving naval. During that time as Rear Admiral I would run the ship during most events that I was on for and was told that I did very well. Jek resigned from Vice Admiral and I received that rank the same day he resigned.

Why should you become the Admiral?: 

I believe that I should become the admiral because I have been in the naval ever since it started and therefore have seen bits of everything that has gone on. From that time I know what works and what doesn't. I was there when Forseen was admiral, the Reptilia was admiral, then when Forseen was admiral again. Through those times I was able to see what works as admiral and what doesn't. I will use that information to know how to keep naval steady and most importantly continue the vision that Reptilia, Forseen and myself have worked towards in naval. I have great leadership, but I also know when to step down and let someone else take over. I not only focus events on me leading, but instead will let others lead during events once in a while to test their leadership abilities and see if they would be fit to fill an officer position or a leadership position. I am always looking out for my naval and everyone on board the ship no matter what happens and I always make the best call that I think I can make at that time. I am organized, I like everything to be layed out so that anyone who needs to see information can quickly access it and tell what its saying. I will keep naval organized and also improve the organization and efficiency of naval. I believe that I should become the admiral because I can keep naval steady, and improve naval and keep the vision running that the admirals set before me and the vision that I have for naval.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion?

Yes I understand the lore of Naval


I will be available everyday unless something comes up, so I should be able to be active for 3-6 hours every weekday (after school starts) and on weekends almost all day.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I've played synergy since the day after it opened. (The morning after it opened)

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I have a microphone.

What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?:

I plan to make naval more organized and efficient. I plan for naval to become a well run leadership role and a very professional group. I plan for naval to do what they did in lore and run the ship, that they will not only oversee some of the things that happen on the ship but most importantly go and help run the ship by helping the troopers repair engines, do medical operations, check armor, fly etc, not just oversee it but also engage the clone troopers in it and come along side them and do it with them and help them.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?

Yes I understand that if I go inactive then I will be removed from admiral.

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@Baller +1 however if you do get Admiral please no more of the it's the Naval ships and just other cuck things that people say. It's not the Navals, it's not Anakins, It's not the Admirals, etc. It's the Republics ship that the Naval happen to run. Thats it.

Edited by Dargon
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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On 9/1/2017 at 1:36 PM, Dargon said:

@Baller +1 however if you do get Admiral please no more of the it's the Naval ships and just other cuck things that people say. It's not the Navals, it's not Anakins, It's not the Admirals, etc. It's the Republics ship that the Naval happen to run. Thats it.

Its Fox ship. Im kidding, +1 baller I'm sure he would be a great admiral. I would be honored to protect him from no danger at all in the Comms deck since nothing happen

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-1 Earlier today(9/3/17) you had said and yelled at someone in advert THAT THEY COULD NOT FLY A SHIP FOR PILOT TRAINING AFTER ADVERTING FOR AN ATC STATUS and no one responded and you had later come back yelling at who was in the skies and they had to land because "Medic and rush put in a rule" that you cant fly a ship if there wasnt an ATController, and that they would have to wait for atc to come online to fly because Freeflight was no longed a thing... i also just talked to rush and he said neither him or MEDIC! put in a rule saying that... you are such a power hungry person... let me rephrase that... THE MOST! POWER HUNGRY PERSON EVER

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