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RDM afk's in bunks

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RP Name: TR 4thGMES SGM Flank

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:206194371

Suspected Player's Name: PvT Bummy Jerkins

Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM_0:1:486456045

Rule Suspected Player Broke: RDM 

Explain to us what happened: He killed afk troopers in 212th and 327th bunks as far as I know

Evidence (If applicable): I have witnesses Mango and a couple of Dooms unit and 104th https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1688959229 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/993513973457439279/F3C6BE0235E46031109A20197CF92850E41FB630/ (screenshots I dunno how to put them in here)

Edited by Callo
wrong format
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On 3/24/2019 at 3:03 PM, Sanchez Resident said:

-1 unless theres others to back you up on this claim or you have kill logs this is not enough evidence to ban him you should have made a staff ticket and let them check the kill logs for this situation 

I completely agree, you can not place a ban or report on someone without the proper evidence and the screenshot above only shows a dead trooper. Without the log to show who did the rdm this report is almost useless. Next time make a ticket and have a staff find out if it was rdm or not.

-1 due to improper evidence.

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While the name does convey that he would be one to RDM, the lack of evidence is a tough thing to consider. I'm gonna say that the evidence is inconclusive and not move forward with a punishment.

If hes bad I'm sure we'll catch him (Also I'm not sure if hes even on the server anymore)


//Moved to Completed

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