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Lowering NPC event Health


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Name: Itachi

Suggestion: i think that game masters should lower the universal health of the droids but spawn more since in the show a B1 can be a one shot with more weapons but there was  so much more that was the problem that the droids would win by numbers alone they didnt need quality so i think that the B1 Droids should be set to around 100-150 health but game master should be allowed to spawn way more that what i now, B2 should be set to 250-350 because they were tougher but is now 750 hard to kill again spawn more. and commando droids around B2 level so around 750 because 1000 is a lot and the commandos were just as hard as a B2 but they moved and were in small squads so ya thats my thoughts. 

Implementation: change the game master health guidelines 

Lore: look at all the battles and you see that droids go down in around 1-2 hits 


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8 minutes ago, Jacob Price said:

Name: Itachi

Suggestion: i think that game masters should lower the universal health of the droids but spawn more since in the show a B1 can be a one shot with more weapons but there was  so much more that was the problem that the droids would win by numbers alone they didnt need quality so i think that the B1 Droids should be set to around 100-150 health but game master should be allowed to spawn way more that what i now, B2 should be set to 250-350 because they were tougher but is now 750 hard to kill again spawn more. and commando droids around B2 level so around 750 because 1000 is a lot and the commandos were just as hard as a B2 but they moved and were in small squads so ya thats my thoughts. 

Implementation: change the game master health guidelines 

Lore: look at all the battles and you see that droids go down in around 1-2 hits 


Between 750 ~ 1000? That's still low for the NPCs.

The game maestros should increase their HPs over 9000. That should spice things up. 



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-1 this would just cause more lag and the server to crash more. Also clones were also 1-2 hits as well and we aren’t doing that. It’s hard for droids to react while killing them with 700 health with 100-250 health they would be so easy to kill. Unless you spawn a absurd amount that would lag the server 

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-1 and here is why

As of right now the players already shred through the current NPCs which causes Game Masters/Helpers to spawn more to try to push the players back as they always rush forward because they simply do not care if they die.
If anything we should lower the health and/or armor of the players rather than the NPCs.
Also people already complain about the lag how it is, and what you are proposing would cause even more lag which will result in even more complaints.

Overall this would not work out because of lag and how people play the game.

Edited by Marvel
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i am literally captain tukk

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If you are using the logic on 1 shot kills on B1 then everyone should be 1 or 2 shots to kill as well

Game Masters can't spawn then in large groups (max of about 20 at a time) due to the server lagging if too many are spawned at once or are on the server.

Using different media yields different results, Republic Commandos has pretty strong B1 and ridiculously powerful B2. Even lego games do it so a B1 is one hit and a B2 is 2 hits or so. Star War Battlefront 2 has the player controlled B1 on strength level the same as a Clone and the B2 is far stronger in comparison.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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10 hours ago, silvers said:

-1, do you know how fucking laggy the server would get? I even encourage gamemasters to sometimes raise the NPC health to spawn less droids in order to reduce lag. Also, an event is in the works rn for that realism mode. @Peaceshieldwinkyface

Shut the hec up

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NPC Health Guidelines 
B1 Battle Droid - 250 HP
B2 Super Battle Droid - 750 HP
Commando Droid - 1000 HP

These are the guidelines already apart of the GM rules.

Due to game mechanics and server performance making everything a 1 shot would not be feasible

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