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Zyner's 104th Battalion Commander Wolffe Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Zyner | Comet | Roy [VA]

RP Name:

104th Wolfpack Squad Leader Commander Comet/Zyner
Jedi 104th Wolfpack Sage Master Roy

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion/Area you are applying for:

104th Battalion Commander & Wolfpack Commander


104th Mechanized Assault Battalion:

Going up the ranks swiftly through performance, I was tasked with leading a Recon Squad through Events. My performance with leadership, tactical decisions and neutral mentality that allowed me to always pick what I believed was the best choice landed me on an Officer role and command over all Recon forces. I would continue to overseeing training and performance through events and simulations as I handed down the commanding position to one of my other commanders that I believed was a much more great fit for the role, seeing the best for my troopers rather than making myself comfortable in a position I knew I was not the best choice for. Through my continued efforts, I reached the brick wall in the ranking structure as the only person above me was my Battalion Commander, he granted me the sub-rank of Advisor as well as Command over the Wolfpack in order to have  input in any Battalion matters and help wherever it is needed.

5th Fleet:

I was a Sergeant in 5th Fleet during the 2-Clone period, while it may be a meme now I took everything I learned from the ST Handbook, Server Rules and the ST Training they offered during the first wipe and did the best job I could as the Police force of the Venator in order to keep things in order and bring proper resolution to all parties involved. Having been adept to the Ship rules I am able to incorporate it all into wherever I go. By having the rules always in the back of my head it helped me be better understand the need for discipline as well as always trying to improve problem solving skills, as even with a guidebook on your hand situations will arise where your own input will the decide the fate of others because the rules weren't not entirely fitting. Compromising situations have lead me to have an open view more often, always taking all occurrences into consideration, never being unnecessarily harsh on a punishment and

Through my short time in 5th Fleet, my favorite moment has been a shout out from Halpert - "Oh, it's Zyner. I trust him to do his job right, haha."


Naval Commodore, Chief of The Medical Field. During my time as Naval Commodore my main job was to oversee Medical procedures on the ship, giving as much basic & advance training as I could so all Battalions would have great MEDs. During Events I commanded Battalions to the best of my abilities and had previously received a shout out from Max as "being a natural" at the Naval position. Being in Naval has really helped me better myself as a Trooper Commander by getting a greater understanding of how to handle situations through different sides and keep everyone's bests interests in mine and not just my own. The position also reassured me how important one-on-ones were, taking the time to sit down and talk to someone about a situation and getting to know them better than rather by simply watching over them and their actions.


Consular is the only Jedi branch I've taken part in and the one I truly feel at home with. Through dedication and effort I became a Manager of my branch and helped out those within it. Being a Consular and pushing for RP over shoot 'em ups it has vastly increased my patience and perseverance to never give up in what I believe in, something I've done my best to teach to all Padawans in my branch as they've always stated a sense of "being brushed aside" as they promote RP over simply killing things. I was recently granted the rank of Jedi Master as well as Lead Sage, promoting my current status to my Padawans as never giving up and you'll achieve what you believe in if you persevere; Even against all odds and countless defeats.

Why should you become a Commander?:

I have been with the 104th since a few days after I joined the server and I've always had in mind the best interest of the Battalion; not for as that would mean enforcing my view on it, but rather of as I take in all opinions and concerns of its members into account for what should be done and how things should be handled.

I wish to become Commander in order to represent the 104th as we move onward, I understand we haven't had the best possible Commander in terms of activity and interactivity with the server, to the point other Commanders would joke about him during the commander meetings. I have watched other Battalions and simply do not see myself fit into any other, 104th is who I am and it is in my best interest to do everything possible to make the 104th flourish once again. To make Sparks proud would be my honor, but to make all other Battalions see what the 104th can truly accomplish is my goal; to change their view for the better and understand that even as we've hit a major road bump it will not stop us, we will rebuild, we will reform and we will come back.

Another addition as to why I should become a Commander is the personal recommendation of the previous Wolffe to be his replacement.

The current state of the Battalion is rather fragile due to recent events and it is with the preference of the ex-Battalion Commander and other Officers within the Battalion that I should be the next in Command due to how active and involved I am with the Battalion. With new documents and some problems fixed, we are already on our way to revamp the 104th and some members strongly feel that if someone else took Command during this moment it would really turns things around; whether for better or worse. There are some great Officers who truly feel like 104th is their home and I wish to preserve that for them, to be proud of it even at the worst of times. We have become a family and I will not let that break apart.

I would also like to add, as insurance, that in regards to some of my actions towards other members when it comes to Staff matters that that behavior is strictly Staff-sided. I understand that some may have an opposing view towards me for these actions but I'd like to assure that while I understand that view to please keep it separate to in-character relations; I do my best to keep Staff and IC situations separate so I ask that your views, if possible, be considerate of that.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion?



Monday: 7 PM - 4 AM
Tuesday: 10 AM - 4 AM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 1 AM
Thursday: 7 PM - 1 AM
Friday: 7 PM - 1 AM
Saturday: 7 PM - 1 AM
Sunday: 7 PM - 1 AM

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I've been playing on Synergy since the day it opened with the first beta test.

I began playing on IFN in February and I've not taken a break since, playing nearly every day or every other day when something came up.

Do you have a microphone?:


What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?:

I plan to take note on all the goods and bads the Battalion has had since I've enlisted to it and from what I've learned of older members. I've already began working on new documents in order to revise the entire battalion, bring back what made it great and get rid of what is not necessary. Honor, Discipline, Commanding, Leaders, Fun, Roleplay, Seriousness and when to lay back, Teamwork, Dedication, Second Chances, Rolemodel, etc. All these things I plan implement and represent the 104th one way or another as we continue moving forward.

My first course of action as Commander would be to have a sit down meeting with each Battalion Commander individually, talk to them about how they view the current 104th and what can be done in their view. Through this I also wish to alleviate any previous concerns or problems we've had with other Battalions, if any, in order to start anew and move forward together.

My second would be to revitalize the Battalion, both through boosting morale of current troopers and work towards enlisting new members as I'm sure most will agree that the main issue all see with the 104th is its current numbers.

From there, I plan to always have my Battalion's opinion in mind. I will not rule with an iron fist or let my decision be the end of all. I understand some Commanders run their Battalions like that or similarly, but to me the strength of the Battalion lie within the efforts and dedication of its members and I will acknowledge that.

Lastly, as this character has the unique trait of also being a Naval I plan on speaking with the Admiral (if a new one is appointed) or the second in command in order to acquaint ourselves and learn what the current status of Naval is and how I could take an assisting role in it.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?


Edited by Zyner
  • Agree 1
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+1, I have known Zyner for 5 months and can most certainly say without a doubt that I can think of no other individual who would be a better choice for Commander Wolffe, he has shown his dedication to improving the battalion time and time again, 

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+1. being with 104th for a long time, I have known Zyner ever since he joined 104th. from start, his has done a great job taking command and leading the troopers. He serves as a Role model to all troopers in 104th and i say he deserves this role as Commander Wolffe. He definitely would not let the 104th down.

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+1 n e a t

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