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Weapon Adjustment: DC-15S


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Name: Rancor ARC MEDO SGM Merrill

Suggestion: Increase the fire-rate of the DC-15S to fit more of a close-range SMG role rather than a smaller magazine DC-15A

Implementation: Adjusting the value for the fire rate in the weapon pack, adjusting recoil to be stronger as compensation.

Lore: DC-15S is designed to be a close range alternative to the DC-15A, better at close range due to the smaller nature of the weapon and a fire rate meant for close quarters.

Workshop content if applicable: N/A, Already on the server.

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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13 hours ago, Scribbles said:

Might be good, i've been on servers that have them like this. Damage drop off is a thing so why not? 

Neutral because RC's DC17m rifles are the exact things that perform what you describe. But it would be a neat idea. 

But ours are shitter and have Higher Damage soo.......

+1 I think it is a good idea, and fits lore. Also make good use for close quarters scenarios.

Former: Liaison


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-1. Sorry to be the negative nancy of the suggestion, but I believe that if the DC-15S is changed to become an SMG, CTs will become a little bit more powerful. This will give the issue of even MORE CTs wanting to stay as a CT. Also, the DC-15S is a carbine. If the weapon WERE to be adjusted, perhaps it would be a little bit better to reduce the rate of fire and increase the damage to like 50. I'd also like to say that in lore, the DC-15S IS in fact slower than the DC-15A. If we look back to the original Star Wars Battlefront games, back in the times when they didn't use the real names for the weapons, the 'Blaster Rifle' was clearly a DC-15A. But the 'Blaster Pistol' of the game was the model of a DC-15S. For anyone who wants to counter this argument and say well no, because the DC-17 is the clone pistol, ALSO in that game there was the 'Commando Pistol'. Now, one last argument I wish to make is that I BELIEVE, but am not certain that the S in DC-15S stands for sidearm, and is evidently used on the server as such. Hence it should not be adjusted to become a more primary weapon, but instead, buffed as a sidearm.

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