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Oaks Staff Application


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RP Name: MSG Galle

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55316123

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 23


GMT+0 UK Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I wish to be an Administrator as I've played enough hours to understand how the server works, what works well & what doesn't. I'd like to ensure that the Serious Roleplay Aspect of Synergy is upheld. Not so much with an iron fist, but more so a friendly and approachable way of staffing. I aim to rank up through the Administration Team and end up at a Game Master Role. Events are what make the server fun for a lot of players, and I have quite a lot of ideas that I can bring to the table to provide a fun & laid back experience with events whilst upholding the professional standard that we've all come to love.

Aside that, I feel quite a few times during off-peak hours there is no one around to Spawn Duplicates, assign weapons and such I feel my timezone can cater to those long lost hours where nothing really happens. I hope to stick around on the server long enough to be able to ensure that all needs are met during all hours of the server being up, be it those times it's on 30 players to the time is full at 128.

Not only that, I'd like to be come "known" as the friendly & approachable staff member should anyone need one. I'm not one to flaunt power and I'm certainly not one to abuse it either. I feel that talking to players, and ensuring that an understanding results in an efficient outcome. We all log on to play, have fun and I'd like to ensure that as an Administrator I won't be hindering that.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Hello! Unsure how to really present this without sounding corny as shit. You guys know me as Oaks, the Graphics guy, I've tried to give back to the community in the form of Graphics as a thank you to the amount of dudes who helped me figure shit out from day one. I'm 23 (sad ikr) playing Star Wars as it's something I've come to enjoy more than I thought. Originally I joined the server to minge for a YouTube video (Ask Mitchell) and now I've sat myself down in the server and enjoyed every moment of it.

I'm currently studying Digital Design in University so I have ALOT of spare time which explains why I spend 90% of it on Synergy. I'm a pretty chill & open dude, I like to ensure that people around me are having fun or laughing, or I find life a little bit boring. If you actually want to know anything about me, asking me is the best way, as I stated I'm very open with myself and I like to make sure others around me are feeling comfortable also.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

On Garrys Mod, no. I did own a Server with a Network myself & a friend currently co-own like Synergy. We run FiveM and Minecraft communities, but thats not for this topic.
My main "achievement" in moderating is;

I was an Administrator on Los Santos Roleplay, it's a GTA San Andreas Server which is still very popular to this day. I spent nearly 3 years there Staffing the server during peak times of 575 players and even during off-peak early hours when there was 50/60. I ensured that I was the approachable Admin and made sure that people were confident in coming to me with their issues as opposed to being given the cold shoulder. 
With the 3 years there, I joined multiple sub-sections of the team such as Mapper, Management etc.


How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  

76 hours, I know its bare minimum but I can assure you that it will only continue to improve with the time I have.

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one)


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Forum Admin

+1 seen you on alot and know what you do.

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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