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Adding an Extinguisher? (honest thoughts/Read)


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Name: Scribbles

Suggestion: Adding a Fire Extinguisher to....the server i guess? Not gonna lie, the amount of times people have been lit on fire is absolutely silly, and how many times have you just sat there on fire unable to do anything, and there are very few hex shield users.  And yes before you ask, this is extremely effective when putting out people/props/vehicles/Npcs, ETC.

Implementation: Adding it to the server so it can be used in events, or added to a certain job so if people do happen to be caught on fire, they can be easily extinguished. Its a Robotboy655 thing so it would fit quite well as its by the same guy who made the lightsabers. Also this thing does not have ammo that can be bought/given to it, so if you run out, respawn or get given another after respawn. ETC

Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_extinguisher

Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104607228
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following


Other: As far as im concerned, this isnt as serious as is should be, so not gonan lie, give your honest thoughts on this because it would be extremely useful in alot of scenarios, some could say "well how many flamethrowers do you see on the server" but deathwatch usually use it, and there tends to be alot of friendly fire (not pun intended) a lot of the time. But i dont think this would be accepted but i want to what the community thinks about this.  feel free to -1. LMAO 

The rules for this thing, should it be added would fall along the lines of the E-binos. No using it on D6 and only use it when it's needed, if caught using it inappropriately if added to a job would result in a warning/arrest. 

Edited by Scribbles
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10 minutes ago, Arroyo said:

-1 Then what’s the point of the flamethrower if we not allowed to burn things? I understand you guys don’t want the flamethrower and absolutely hate it but people grinded for it. I don’t think this is necessary 

Where did i say you wouldn't be allowed to burn things? This is moreso just to put stuff out to stop afterburn damage and the constant blinding of your screen from happening when it comes to various scenarios. Because the majority of the time the burning noise usually stays, and afterburn lasts for a long time. And nowhere in this post did i say i disliked the flamethrowers specifically, moreso just afterburn from whatever is able to cause ignition, I.e Props, NPCs, Players, Vehicles. ETc

Edited by Scribbles
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11 hours ago, Arroyo said:

-1 Then what’s the point of the flamethrower if we not allowed to burn things? I understand you guys don’t want the flamethrower and absolutely hate it but people grinded for it. I don’t think this is necessary 

Why wouldn’t you be allowed to burn things? We would just put out friendlies or props you guys accidentally lit on fire lol, +1

Edited by ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ͜͡IKE
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20 minutes ago, Hero said:

+1 please god 

don’t make it free like ebino but it could have a 1 mil price tag or could give it to the heavy troopers

Uhhhh, heavies? No. I was thinking either naval or Pilots. If anything. But if put in the vendor i severely doubt it would be free or near no price. I'd be fine with it just being in the Q Menu if anything. 

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2 hours ago, Dragon said:

I feel the minginess potential of this far outweighs the benefits. Also you dont use fire extinguishers on people. 


As someone who is a fire fighter I can say that 1. you are wrong, you can use certain fire extinguishers on people. and 2. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ADD THIS! IVE WANTED TO DO FIRE FIGHTING STUFF SO BAD BUT I CANT! also give it to pilots & naval, also in the Q menu. 



Edited by 104th Spartan
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4 hours ago, Dragon said:

I feel the minginess potential of this far outweighs the benefits. Also you dont use fire extinguishers on people. 


He said it would only go to naval or pilots. 

Please tell me what is the worst that can happen if they go around spraying it at things?

CG can arrest them maybe? If it was a naval he would be close to getting kicked out. 

When you say “OmG thEy can MinGE wItH iT” You can minge with anything on the server but people dont. Take ebinos for example. It literally a fire extinguisher to stop things from burning.


+1 Lore friendly, Extremely necessary and harmless.

Edited by Stern
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Boys, imagine the passiverp potential.

Be in the 1st floor lobby, and you have WAC-47 Cooking a nice steak when the whole kitchen gets lit on fire, and then CG Fire Squad has to make a mad dash across the venator to put out the fire, that would be hilarious.

+1 blease

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The negatives outweigh the positives as Dragon said. It would be used more as a mingy thing than an actual useful object. Sorry.

EDIT: I'm just going to clarify the verdict that was made, I understand that the +1's outdid the -1's, I know.  In a regular suggestion that would have made me put it to pending. But I went ahead and spoke with Zim about it to see what he thinks about the suggestion. Zim and I both agreed that it would be more mingy than useful. I hope this cleared anything up with you all, I already spoke with @Stern about this and I hope its all clear. Me and Zim will speak together about it one last time to see if his vote changes. Thanks! @Scribbles



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